Flashlight Enthusiast
I measured the current used by my MaxaBeam (Gen2) when hooked up to a 12V 12.5A power supply through a cigarette lighter adapter, I got 4.84A on normal mode and 10.2A on high mode. The voltage from the power supply was 12.12V at normal mode and 12.06V at high mode, that means my MB used 58.7W at normal mode and 123W at high mode. That seems very high to me, is this normal or is the lack of voltage sag from a battery pack causing the high current? When looking at the stated runtime numbers and Ah ratings of the battery packs, I don't see how they can achieve those runtimes if the high mode is as high as on my light. They rate their Li-Ion pack 7.2Ah with 75 minutes runtime, but 10.2A for 75 minutes would require a 12.75Ah battery pack. I read that the NiCad pack uses 10 F cells so its voltage under load should be less than 12V.
Has anyone else done similar measurements? Anyone got a high current variable voltage PS they can use to test different current use at different voltage?
Does anyone know what the input voltage range is on the MB? I'm planing to make my own battery packs using A123 cells (4 in series). Does the light shut down before it reaches 8V?
Has anyone else done similar measurements? Anyone got a high current variable voltage PS they can use to test different current use at different voltage?
Does anyone know what the input voltage range is on the MB? I'm planing to make my own battery packs using A123 cells (4 in series). Does the light shut down before it reaches 8V?