Treasures of the Deep! A Quarky Story.


Sep 4, 2008
Fairfield Ca.
ALOHA friends,

I'm back from my little adventure in Maui and wanted to share.

I've been to Black Rock many times but this time was a little different. It was raining and the beach was all but abandoned. Nobody was in the water. The missus and I thought "What the hell, we're just going to get wet anyway." so we donned our snorkel gear and headed out.

The water was pretty murky and the lack of sun made it more so. As we moved around the point we see shapes in the distance.


They faded away into the depths and we made our way into the shallow cove at the point.

Then the rays reappeared.........


.......and entered the cove with us!


It was almost like they were looking for something.......

The missus had had enough so we started to make our way back when out of the murk comes this guy.



Hmmmmm, searching.

Then there was this tentacled guy searching in the nooks and crannies.....but for what?


Then I saw it! Something shining.................THE LOST TREASURE OF ZENDUDE!!!!!!!





The next day I returned for an intro dive. The visibility was much better.

This shot was taken at ~30ft.


If there was ever a question of the Quarks being waterproof this should answer it.

The switch however was too soft and the pressure wouldn't allow it to disengage. It was better on the forward clicky but not good enough.

Hope you enjoyed! ALOHA!
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My Q123^2 went through the washing machine last week. My wife was pissed (worried about the washing machine). She gave it to me, the lens was foggy, but only on the outside. It wiped clean, I pressed the switch, It turned on. Never missed a beat. Still going strong.
That is such a cool up close and personal experience!

I wonder how they recharge their batteries down there :grin2:
Thanks guys.

@ Dez: Thanks for the link. My daughter just got Photoshop too. I'll have to play with it.

If you look at the time stamp you'll see the pics are layed out chonologically. It sure didn't feel like 45min.!

I wanted to take McGizmo style photos but those 4 shots are all I got. There are two reasons for this:

One, Trying to get in close and remain steady for the shot while holding your breath at a depth of ~15ft. is harder than it sounds.

Two, the missus was having none of it! Normally while on vacation I spend lots of time snorkeling by myself but this time she was with me every second. You should have seen the evil eye she gave me when TSA was scrutinizing my lights at the airport. Seemingly by telepathy, I heard her say "I told you not to bring them!".:ironic: Bottom line, I was not supposed to focus on flashlights.

Honestly, I thought you guys would be more exited about how the Quarks performed under pressure(pun intended). Enough pressure to keep the switch from clicking was a real eye opener for me!:eek:oo: