Two CR123A Case

Green Lantern

Newly Enlightened
Dec 13, 2007
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share my latest discovery with you.

I have always been looking for a way to store cr123a's. Originally I was using a tube that can fit four batteries (the Keep2Go case) which is a bit much for a taking a single cell flashlight for a walk in the park. Now I have come up with a widely available case for 2 CR123a batteries.

My discovery is this: you can use a dime tube to store duel cr123a's. The diameter of a cr123a and a dime is so similar that they are completely compatible. Tubes that fit 50 dimes fit 2 cr123a's snugly and (I am assuming) tubes that fit 25 dimes will fit one battery snugly. There is a bit of rattle but I am sure that could be fixed with some patience and a bit of foam. The case is extremely sturdy, but it would be a lot more comfortable in a pocket if I bought a round one.

Thanks for reading!



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Wow...I know it may seem simple, but ain't that always the case? After I'm done typing this I'm gonna go empty out sone of my dime cases from my coin collection, and give a whirl...this will definitely come in handy EDC'ing my G2/6P...I never had a way of "safely" crrying extra's other than my SC4, which is kinda bulky for EDC. Thanks!!!
You can also try Kodak Advantix film cases. (only kodak works for some reason) it holds 2 side by side in a compact, smooth case, with a decent lid.
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share my latest discovery with you.

My discovery is this: you can use a dime tube to store duel cr123a's. The diameter of a cr123a and a dime is so similar that they are completely compatible. Tubes that fit 100 dimes fit 2 cr123a's snugly and (I am assuming) tubes that fit 50 dimes will fit one battery snugly.

Dime tubes sold for coin collecting hold 50 dimes and will hold 2 CR123A cells. There aren't (to my knowledge) tubes sold that hold 100 dimes for numismatic purposes.

Just a bit of info to make it easier for people to search on the web and find them.
I googled "dime tube" and there are plenty. Pretty cheap at 50 cents each, except shipping to here cost $20. :crazy:
I googled "dime tube" and there are plenty. Pretty cheap at 50 cents each, except shipping to here cost $20. :crazy:

Check out a coin store. They should have tubes available, and Canadian dimes are the same size as US dimes.:thumbsup:

The shop I go to sells coin tubes at 3 for $1.
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Good idea, never thought about it. I'll check out yellowpages for some local place and hope they won't want some insane amount of them.
Both KD and DX sell 2xCR123 holders.
The 4 pack at KD is for around $2 with free shipping
Dime tubes sold for coin collecting hold 50 dimes and will hold 2 CR123A cells. There aren't (to my knowledge) tubes sold that hold 100 dimes for numismatic purposes.

Just a bit of info to make it easier for people to search on the web and find them.

Thanks a lot. MorePower is correct. I just verified by checking the length of paper coin rolls for dimes that you can get from the bank, and they say they fit $5, which means they fit 50 dimes. Thanks for clarifying, I just fixed the information on my original post.
Where would I get on of those cases, preferably the round one you speak of?

I buy my dime tubes from a coin vendor at a local swap meet. They sell both the round and square cases. Places that sell coins will most likely sell coin tubes also. I recommend to just shop around, a dime tube is a pretty common item.
I am now selling a couple tubes on eBay for a fixed price of $3 with free shipping if anyones interested. I hope this is of help.

You can find more info on this thread:

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The bright orange waterproof match cases from Walmart at $0.99 each
work fine for waterproof storage of 2 ea CR123 batteries. As is, the
batteries are a bit loose inside, but a rubber washer or O-ring will
tighten things up.

+1 on the matchstick case from Walmart. They have an O-ring for a good seal. I add a felt pad to the bottom to make it rattle free. I also have used the soft foam stickers my kids have. The stickers are used to decorate things.
Hell for the price you can't beat them HDS 2X123 tubes at light hound.They are bulletproof and,it will give you an excuse to buy/find an old hds light to go with it:D Then if you dont like the light give me a call:laughing:
Wow, this is awesome. I am going to have to pick up some dime tubes here soon. Great Idea, Green Lantern

Dood! Where'd you get that cool avatar? ;)

From one Green Lantern to the other, I like your avatar also. The quality on mine is a bit sketchy, mainly because I used paint to size it down. I just got mine from Google like everyone else :laughing:.