U2 Ordered


Jun 13, 2006
Erie, PA
After careful deliberation and as a direct result of so many of you who have praised the U2 (You know who you are!), I decided to submit to the Flashoholic gods and order a U2 from the good folks at OpticsHQ.

I know that there are more powerful lights out there (I have a Huntlight Cree) and I have read about the tailcap issues, but I just plain fell in love with the overall utility of the Kroma and just had to try the U2 as well. This will be my last light. This will be my last light. This will be my last light..................
Congrats, you will be happy with it! :kiss:

With all my Fenixes and Lumapowers and Inovas...when I want to really flood an area with light only old U2 does the job.:cool:
Best wishes for you and your U2. Mine is on right now, on the night stand beside me.
Great choice with the U2!! No, it doesn't have a Cree or a Seoul but who cares? Mine functions perfectly and is a thing of beauty to look at and hold in your hand. Mine has a faint donut in the beam, but it is only noticeable when you shine it on a white wall. Even with this minor flaw I think it is a masterpiece. You will love yours..
Yep, yep, yep... we've all been there, LOL.

My U2 died a few months after I bought it. I was so steamed that I told myself I'd sell it after receiving it back from Surefire. (Even though a lot of CPFers are willing to buy non-functioning U2s - so they can mod or get the light repaired themselves).

So guess what my EDC has been since getting my U2 back???
I think you are going to be very pleased with the U2. It's my "baby." I have never regretted spending the money. It's my EDC. Also, I usually take a walk at night, and feel very certain that I could temporarily "blind" someone, then run. I like knowing, too, that in a black-out, I have lots and lots of time (using the lower levels) to navigate through the house, etc. My biggest problem is that I'm so over-protective of it that I just have to carry it in a protective cloth pouch. If I got a scratch on it, I think it would traumatize me (lol). Just wish SF would have made a lanyard for it (my only complaint). Jim

I've actually had it for at least a couple of weeks now. Just neglected to post and update. I do love it. The low of my Kroma is great for indoors but just not quite bright enough for my outdoor taste. The low on the U2 is perfect for that as I have a large yard. Low provides enough throw and overall output to provide basic illumination back there with great runtime and multiple other levels or a powerful high beam if needed all in one light. Because of the size of the yard the low setting does not really impact my night vision very much. I should have done this long ago. I tried a Huntlight Cree as a cheap substitute and while I like the Huntlight, it just does not have the feel or interface of the U2. Once I used the interface on the Kroma I knew the U2 was for me. I am very pleased with the output and will not regret ordering it even if SureFire announces an updated version in the future.