uk 4aa eled v2 review


Jun 23, 2003
central time
This is just a quick note. I bought the uk 4aa eled version 2. It's NOT the focusing version, nor is it the 2 level version. It's twist on and wide open.

I does have the longer head and tighter beam. The beam is what I am writing about.

It's got about the same hotspot as the HDS lights, but extremely little spill.

It's a useful light, but up close is tough due to the spill problem. Overall I can't complain too much.

Throw is nice though. It throws farther and brighter that my HDS 42.

I'd give it a 4/5 rating.
turbodog said:
This is just a quick note. I bought the uk 4aa eled version 2. It's NOT the focusing version, nor is it the 2 level version. It's twist on and wide open.

Hey turbodog, I'm confused as to which light you have. I'm guessing you have either the 4AA eLED Fire or the 4AA Mini Q40 eLED Plus.

twist on ...... u got something wrong ....

i have the first version and its a clickie ..... !

the v2 is also a clickie! ....

goto uk webby to check whick model did u really gotten .... ooops
