Flashlight Enthusiast
First, Thanks to everyone who has done great reviews on the ultrafire c2 cree light. Most questions have been regarding the use of the big 18.... single battery. I was more interested in using 2 AW 3.7v 123A rechargables for a flatter 100% regulated output. I imagine it would run for 70+or- minutes like my Huntlight.
When I looked on Ultrafire's site, it says the light is fine with 6 volts, but somewhere here at cpf, I read it could handle up to 9.
Any input would be greatly appreciated, and again, thanks for the great reviews and photos.
When I looked on Ultrafire's site, it says the light is fine with 6 volts, but somewhere here at cpf, I read it could handle up to 9.
Any input would be greatly appreciated, and again, thanks for the great reviews and photos.