Ultrafire C3 problem


Nov 2, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I have the Ultrafire C3 with a cree P4 and extension tube. I know it's a cheap light but it flickers, dims really bad, and sometimes won't turn on. This all corrects for a bit after I tap it. The contacts where it screws together are clean and I tightened the switch and checked continuity through it. Any ideas?
Try pulling the spring out a bit (elongating it). If it does it only when you are touching the clicky then that's probably bad but my guess is it's a spring, continuity issue.
The switch retaining ring might be loose, try take the switch out clean contacts & put it back tight.
Hi jimbo,

I have had my share of DX lights, and the most common problem I have found is the tail switch. I always take my lights apart and and use deoxit gold on all the metal to metal contacts, and this seems to help too. The only way I can think to find out if its the switch or not is to put a battery in it and make connect it with a good jumper, then let it run for a while and jiggle it around some.

Another problem these lights can have is bad solder connections. Most commonly where the driver negative connects to the pill, even it it looks smooth it can be weak. You could try removing the pill and hooking it up with jumpers and letting it run for a while to see if it flickers.

Good luck.
Here a pic of the led module. Are the solder blobs suppose to be there? Also what part of the - on the module connects to the flashlight body to carry current?

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Actualy those "blobs" are probly decent connections. The threads on the outside of the pill is the negative contact to the light body. If you can make a couple of good connections using jumper wires to the outside of the pill and to the center of the driver, letting it run for a while this should let you know if the problem is in the pill.

If you haven't already I strongly recommend putting the deoxit gold on those threads, as well as unscrewing the clickie from the tail cap and very lightly applying some to the contacts in there after cleaning that and the all the threads with alcohol.
The female threads in the flashlight head where the module screws in are anodized. Is that okay?

If that is the case I am guessing that the contact must be the front of the pill to the reflector, so that is where I would put the deoxit.

That link that was posted above seems like it may do the trick, but if not you may want to remove some of the anodizing from inside the head to get a more solid contact.
Look for an old speaker wire/extension cord, FM antenna wire etc, you need some thin stranded wire, take a few thin strands, twist them into a slightly thicker strand and coil up a piece about the diameter of a quarter. place this between head and body, under the sodder blobs so it contours to the light. this should solve the problem, I'll post a pic if my explanation is not doing the trick.
What do you mean by under the solder blobs? You mean coil it around the head between the solder blobs and where the body contacts?
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use 2-3 thin gauge strands about the length of your finger, make a circle out of it after you twist them together like you were making a rope. unscrew the head and place the coiled strands inside, as far up as it allows, adjust length of strands to contour the inside of tube correcetly.

I emailed DX about light not working a few months back, and was told to check their message boards for the item for a repair, where I found this, which fixed the issue. Nice customer sevice huh? They suck someteimes