UltraFire WF-139 vs Pila IBC


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2005
Québec, Canada
I just got my Pila IBC charger and it's a great piece of hardware!

First I just made some tests with a multimeter. I discharged a set of RCR123A a little and I then topped it off with the Pila charger. Batteries came back at 4.15V and the reset button wouldn't reset the charge anymore. At the end of the charge, while the red led was still ON, I measured the voltage on the terminals. 4.20V! GREAT! The WF-139 charger I'll throw away in a few minutes gave 4.35V and 4.39V on its terminal! Batteries were coming out at 4.19V and 4.16V. I'm doing a runtime test now with my LF extreme output bulb I have in my E2D. I hope to get over 30 minutes... I'm under the impression the WF-139 charger may have damaged my brand new AW RCR123A. I'm waiting for a 3th set to compare and see...
Ok! I got the advertised runtime of 40 minutes for this bulb. 41 minutes before protection protection kicked-in! If they are damaged, it must not be that bad. I charged them twice in the UltraFire charger.

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