Ultrafire WF-800


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 29, 2005
Cape Cod MA
Does anyone have one of the Ultrafire WF-800 Cree lights. It looks similar to the super projection light, but with more modes. just wondering if the reflector is the same?
I received on yesterday.
It has 8 modes.

The reflector is scratched up a bit, I don't know if this is normal or not:shrug:
Also, it is soooo far out of focus it is crazy!!! I looks like it "could" be a good light with a bit of modding, work and $$$, but out of the box, definately:thumbsdow

I did email and complain about the reflector as well as another problem with the order.

Unless you want a light to work on, I would recommend staying away from this light. I really messed up when I bought it. I "thought" bechause it cost more than the others, hey..., it must be better- :oops:
Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate the heads up. I also thought the higher price would mean "better light". That's unfortunate. I'm sorry you had to find out that way. I hope you get a refund or suitable working replacement. Thanks again.
I have similar problem with my other light from DX but opening the bezel and adjusting the reflector seems to do the trick now its focus perfectly maybe you could do the same.


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