Ultralast RCR123's


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2008
VA Beach.
I went to BatteriesPlus today to see if i could find some good rcr's for my light and all i was able to find are the 3volt versions......this one is rated at 700mah, it also came with a charger and i figured what the hell right, might as well get it......30bones is what it cost me and the individual cells in rcr are 13bones apiece. There right up the street from where i live so i have 10days to try them out...lol. I would like your input on the cells if your willing to help. On the package is doenst say anything about them being protected or not, so im guessing there not.



If you take a look at the cell it looks like the Titanium right next too it.


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I have exactly the same thing, but got it on sale for $15. It's a LiFePO4 cell and I'd say 500 mah tops.

You better measure the voltage of each cell right away because one of mine (and other people on forum who has it) came dead flat and wouldn't take a charge. I exchanged that one, but one of them still isn't working right, and cannot sustain novatac's highest level for more than a few seconds before it steps down. Now I use them both in P3D and haven't had a problem yet.

Personally for 30 bones I'd return them and get AW's, assuming your light can take the higher voltage.
Well finally i got an answer.....i just wish they would put the important details on the package......yes it was kind of expensive, at 13dollars for one cell. I charged all my cells and they seem to be okay so far.....i will see how they go in 8 days...lol. I even sent the company an email about more detail on the cells. So are the cells protected.
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When I first got them I did test runs in T1. One cell would always drop below 1 volt within 10 minutes, while the other is still above 3. The cutoff for this type of cell is 2 volts so I'd say it's not protected.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 6/30/2008 5:08:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: RE: (no subject)

Difficult question to answer. We sell primarily to consumers and it is usually professionals who are aware of the protection.

We add it to our CR123's as an extra precaution just to keep our customers safe, but most consumer packaging in the market today doesn't advertise it.

Thank you,

Joshua Nunn
Marketing Manager
North American Battery Company
2155 Paseo de las Americas #31
San Diego, CA 92154
Ph (619) 661-7992 ext. 3113
Fax (619) 661-5096

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 2:02 PM
To: Joshua Nunn
Subject: Re: (no subject)

how can one tell...it doesn't even say on the package......i paid 13 dollars for just one cell.....

In a message dated 6/30/2008 5:00:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [email protected] writes:

Our CR123 Recargeables do com with protection circuitry.

Thank you,

Joshua Nunn
Marketing Manager
North American Battery Company
2155 Paseo de las Americas #31
San Diego, CA 92154
Ph (619) 661-7992 ext. 3113
Fax (619) 661-5096