Well, I'm of the school of thought, while on duty that two is one and that one is none.
That saved my butt tonight when I got into a foot chase when a guy ran from a traffic stop after providing us some false info and some other "issues" that I can't get into on a public forum.
Foot chase lasted about 1/4 mile... that sucker was quick. In the end, we got him ... however there was a casualty. I have no clue where my IIIM went. It probably fell out when I fell down a hill.... but dammit I kept chasing him even after I fell.....
I probably use the Jet IIIM 70-75% of the time and my Streamlight LEDC4 the rest of the time.... mainly due to the longer battery life and the larger size of the light (easier to arm-pit hold)
I'll have to resort to my spare 6p for a while and save up fundage for another IIIM.... great light, works great for duty.... just pissed that I lost it.
On the bright side
at least someone is going to get a good free light when they find it :mecry: 

That saved my butt tonight when I got into a foot chase when a guy ran from a traffic stop after providing us some false info and some other "issues" that I can't get into on a public forum.
Foot chase lasted about 1/4 mile... that sucker was quick. In the end, we got him ... however there was a casualty. I have no clue where my IIIM went. It probably fell out when I fell down a hill.... but dammit I kept chasing him even after I fell.....
I probably use the Jet IIIM 70-75% of the time and my Streamlight LEDC4 the rest of the time.... mainly due to the longer battery life and the larger size of the light (easier to arm-pit hold)
I'll have to resort to my spare 6p for a while and save up fundage for another IIIM.... great light, works great for duty.... just pissed that I lost it.
On the bright side