*Update ~ Dereelight pills


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

I was thinking about swapping out some Dereelight pills, to change tints ect.... in my DBS and CL1H when I came across something very interesting.

Put the DBS pill in my CL1H;
and because you can't screw it in all the way to reflector, you get near perfect diffused beam.
There is almost no hotspot to speak of, almost as diffused as an AmiLite T5, no joke!

Put the CL1H pill in my DBS;
just the opposite happened to this pill, it screwed in further and I got a more focused beam and I'm guessing another 5~10% more throw!!
Only problem, now it's stuck on the highest mode.....that's OK with me.

My last CL1H is normal with OP reflector.

Point to all of this, not only can you do simple upgrades to Dereelights when new bins come out, you can customize the hotspot also.

Dereelight continues to impress.....:thumbsup:
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Re: Dereelight pills

I was under the impression the pills were universal for the DBS and CL1H. I have played around with my various pills to find which gives the best result in the DBS, then put the others in my CL1H's.
Re: Dereelight pills


Hey Wade, thought I read Alan say there is an o-ring on one or the other to swap pills, CL1H to DBS.
I didn't bother looking, just screwed it in and boom,
the DBS with slightly more focused hotspot and the CL1H with essentially no hotspot.

The diffused CL1H is fantastic!!.:grin2:
Re: Dereelight pills

My one 3-stage pill does have an insultated ring of sorts on it, not like a rubber o-ring, but more of a thin piece of plastic. This is probably to prevent the leads and other contact points from shorting out against the reflector. Maybe the pills screw in farther with the DBS reflector than with the CL1H reflector.
Re: Dereelight pills

Ah ha! I think you guys have solved the mystery of the faulty 3-stage pills!

When I read of the differences in the CL1H and DBS pills, it dawned on me that I had noticed something slightly amiss on my DBS pill. I mentioned in another thread that I actually had my DBS for several days before I got any 18650's to run it with. For that reason about the only playing with it I could do was take it apart and check everything out. I noticed in doing so that the red lead on the LED pill was a little longer than necessary, and it was getting pinched between the pill and the reflector. I bent the wire a little differently in an effort to prevent pinching, but there wasn't a lot of room to work with. I noticed that the pinching of the reflector had already rubbed a spot on the insulation of the wire that was gray and looked like exposed wire.

After reading this thread I had the thought that perhaps the wire was still pinched and shorting to the reflector, I unscrewed the pill a few turns, and put the head back on. Vwaala! Now my 1-stage TURBO Q4 was (for the first time) a 3-stage. I had screwed the pill in very tightly when I had previously reassembled the light, and I suspect I shorted it out to the reflector.

Now I'm not enough of an expert to know the consequences of shorting to the reflector, nor do I even know for sure that was happening. It sure appears that was it, and I wonder if the folks that have faulty 3-stage pills might try loosening the pill to fix the issue?


Re: Dereelight pills

Hmmm...I wrote Alan to propose my theory, and he replied that if the pill shorted to the reflector the light wouldn't work. So that is not what's going on.

Never the less, whatever is going on, loosening the pill fixed my DBS.

Re: Dereelight pills

for you folks who have the multi-stage pills, can you tell me how the memory on the pills work? does it return to the stage you turn the light off on? and if not, how long should the light be off before it returns to default level?


Re: Dereelight pills

It comes back on the brightness you turned it off at. Ex:If you turn it off on low, it comes back on low.
Re: Dereelight pills

If you press and release the switch in less than one second and press again it will go to the next mode. If you leave it on for one second or more and turn it off, and then turn it back on it will turn on in the last mode used.
Re: Dereelight pills


I was thinking about swapping out some Dereelight pills, to change tints ect.... in my DBS and CL1H when I came across something very interesting.

Put the DBS pill in my CL1H;
and because you can't screw it in all the way to reflector, you get near perfect diffused beam.
There is almost no hotspot to speak of, almost as diffused as an AmiLite T5, no joke!

Put the CL1H pill in my DBS;
just the opposite happened to this pill, it screwed in further and I got a more focused beam and I'm guessing another 5~10% more throw!!
Only problem, now it's stuck on the highest mode.....that's OK with me.

My last CL1H is normal with OP reflector.

Point to all of this, not only can you do simple upgrades to Dereelights when new bins come out, you can customize the hotspot also.

Dereelight continues to impress.....:thumbsup:

How about some beamshots?
Re: Dereelight pills


With my DBS
shot at my neighbors fireplace, approx. 50 feet away.

Re: Dereelight pills


I'm not trying to bump my post, but I have an update on the Dereelight and its pills.

Now anyone can diffuse their CL1H hotspot by simply placing an o-ring from an old AA light between the pill and the reflector and you have a perfect diffused beam.

Just remove o-ring later if you want go back to the original hotspot ratio for more throw.

So with the CL1H, you can get various pill output modes,
have various levels of hotspot, along with either OP or smooth reflector, all in a P60 chassis.
Oh yea, a forward clicky,....and I didn't even use the word tactical.

For those of us without the old AA light, where can I get the proper size o-ring?

Thanks for the info!!!!!

Thanks for the Dereelight info...I found it useful and interesting...:)


Last night I tried a number of different o-rings to get various levels of dissipation with the CL1H.
Some o-rings were too thick,,, point being you can have a few different thickness o-rings to customize the dissipation of hotspot.
It all depends on what you like/need,
... and to have the option is a huge plus.
