Using LED lights and contrast enhancing sunglasses


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2007
Take your LED lights into the woods and put on your blu-blocker (contrast enhancing) sunglasses. :naughty:
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Re: Try This

Would any polarizing filter work?
And what does that get you?
Re: Try This

It makes the LED looks more incanish, while loosing a good bit of output. I've tried that when I first got a high power LED light.
Re: Try This

lol thought taht might be the result.....i think we're still a long way from leds being incan color.....i havnt used my E2D in a while, so when i shined it on the wall, it was a nasty yellow....but relworld isnt bad.
Re: Try This

lol thought taht might be the result.....i think we're still a long way from leds being incan color.....i havnt used my E2D in a while, so when i shined it on the wall, it was a nasty yellow....but relworld isnt bad.

With great pleasure* I can safely say you're wrong. Already we have cree 7A/B/C/D or 8A/B/C/D tints which are very incan-ish, and there's a warm MC-E which is a lovely warm yellow, though this is a bit further away. However, to make the beams so nice and warm, more phosphor has to be used so the LED's get lower lumen ratings, despite starting out with a blue die of similar efficiency to a Q5/R2.

*Pleasure that you're wrong, not because you're wrong!
Re: Try This

LED lights look great outdoors when I'm using my Persimmon Oakley lenses. Noticeably dimmer, though.
Wait... That would mean the light emitted from the die (blue) is polarized (to some degree) while the light from the phosphor (yellow) isn't.

Didn't know that. Pretty interesting! :sssh:
Wait... That would mean the light emitted from the die (blue) is polarized (to some degree) while the light from the phosphor (yellow) isn't.

Didn't know that. Pretty interesting! :sssh:

How do you figure this? Blue blockers aren't polarized sunglasses, they are color filters that reject most of the upper spectrum of blue light. A lot of the blue light from an LED light source will therefore be filtered out leaving only the lower wavelength colors. Polarizers would not block the blue, just attenuate it along with everything else of a polarity that doesn't align with the filter. Blue blocker type sunglasses are typically a brown to deep amber colored filter. Good polarizers are neutral. Crossed polarizers will block out everything. I have done this in the lab many times.
let's not forget the lovely tint on the k2 tffc as seen in the new inova lights
How do you figure this? Blue blockers aren't polarized sunglasses, they are color filters that reject most of the upper spectrum of blue light. A lot of the blue light from an LED light source will therefore be filtered out leaving only the lower wavelength colors. Polarizers would not block the blue, just attenuate it along with everything else of a polarity that doesn't align with the filter. Blue blocker type sunglasses are typically a brown to deep amber colored filter. Good polarizers are neutral. Crossed polarizers will block out everything. I have done this in the lab many times.

Yes, thank you, i do know what a polarizer does and what it looks like (i suspect i would after using them for years on cameras) :rolleyes:

What i didn't know was what the blu-blocker glasses are/do. Assuming they are polarizing filters (the marketing term "contrast enhancing" would be just that, in my book) i asked somewhere upthread if any polarizer would do and didn't get an answer. As i found it hard to believe anyone would see filtering blues out of a white LED's output results in yellow tinted light as something strange or unexpected, i thought the whole deal was something more unexpected than that (i.e. a polarizing effect) :)

(regarding my - false as it turns out - conclusion about light from die vs. light from phosphor, that isn't so far fetched; you'd expect the light from the die to be fairly coherent - at least non-scientifically and completely intuitively)
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