V70 holster use...?


Dec 7, 2004
Philadelphia, PA
Hello folks, I'm looking for info on the Surefire V70 holster. I bought a used one to use with a 6p and find that the holster does not hold onto the light at all. I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I thought it should hold on to the flashlight such that if I was to bend over, which is often the case at work, that it would not fall out. Well with this one I bought any position but straight up will cause the light to fall out of the holster.

If this is normal please let me know...
OH sorry.

In that case, I would have to presume it was normal, because it's a speed holster, it won't secure the light due to the user needing it to be ready to deploy in a second.

At least thats how I see it.
Along the same line, I've been having some issues with my V70.

The literature with the holster says that the Z2 can be carried bezel down for easier deployment and use of the Harries/Surefire technique. I can only get my Z2 about 1" into the V70 in the bezel down position. The hex portion (anti-roll) of the bezel prevents further insertion. This is very insecure situation and I can see losing my light in short order. So far I've resorted to ordering an older (non anti-roll) bezel for my Z2. Now, is there another way I'm missing of carrying this way? I wouldn't think Surefire would advocate this in their manual if it was that insecure. Any ideas?
IMHO they are the only thing that SF makes that is a piece of poop. A huge piece of poop. I went through three until I just got one from Blade Tech. Everyone on my job has broken at least one.
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The V70 is designed for a quick draw on the light but uses a sping metal strip to ensure an friction fit. The friction is unfortunately very hit and miss and depends on the light. For instance the G2 and G2z will fit in mine very secure bezel up or down. Unfortunately with these lights the fit is too secure and would impede a quick draw. The aluminum Surefire lights fair better for fit but the metal strip quickly chews the HA111 away leaving the bare aluminum to gradually erode making the fit less sucure with time.

I'd guess that spring metal strip in the V70 you have isn't putting enough pressure on the body of 6P to cause enough inteference to securely carry it the way you want to. Not really a lot you can do about that other than try to get a replacement? I'd agree with mercop that if you require a tactical carry and if you dont want to run the risk of accidental loss of your 6P then a Blade Tech holster would be a better bet. The Blade Tech can be adjusted to alter the friction to enable the correct amount of force YOU require to access the light.

I carry a Z2 or a 6P in a V70 tail down on my duty belt and have never had any problems with retention but a mateof mine had the spring go in his. Got replaced under warranty by the UK omporter without a problem.

As Doug says they do chew up the HAII on the lights though, but for me the nice low carry position when tail down makes them an excllent holster for wearing when you are sat in a car alot as it does not dig in so much (perhaps I need to loose some weight as well :D)
I have had 2 and even though I rarely used them and did not keep or store lights in them one spring broke. A small piece of spring snaped off the bottom so it could only be used for bezel down carry. I gave it away and am not sure where the other one is.
Yes, mine chewed up the finish on one of my lights as well while I was testing it by holstering and re-holstering it.

Not a big fan. It even leaves nasty marks on the G2's non-metallic body as well. Maybe I got a bad unit, but I wasn't very impressed.
Thanks for the replies folks. I will try to retension the springs to see if that helps. I see no obvious defects with the holster and thought it was just the retention springs but wanted to be sure before fiddling with it.

If the springs prove to wear thru the HA black coating it is of no great concern, it is a duty light and will most likely see many falls/drops while in use so i'm sure that a bit of wear on the side will not affect performance. If this was a beauty queen type of light then I'd be concerned...
A warranty does you no good when you are 300 yards from your car in the woods on a foot track looking for a robbery suspect and your poop breaks.
mercop said:
A warranty does you no good when you are 300 yards from your car in the woods on a foot track looking for a robbery suspect and your **** breaks.

I'm an "automotive technician" and I use my duty light(s) during my inspections...so I'm rarely 300 yards from any kind of car, either mine or my clients. If I was ever that far from any kind of vehicle during my work hours I would be very worried...do I hear twilight zone music?

Any way, I enjoy fixing and modding things, that's what got me into my career in the first place and how I found CPF a few years ago. This holster will just be another mod for me, not just in cars or flashlights but pretty much everything I can get my hands on.

Thanks again folks!
mercop said:
A warranty does you no good when you are 300 yards from your car in the woods on a foot track looking for a robbery suspect and your poop breaks.

Then you get out your second torch, remember 1 is none :D

I would be tracking the robber with my M3T so loosing the 6P in the V70 would be anoying but not fatal and if all else fails I have the L4 in my stabbie pocket and a Fexin on my locker keys.
Not intending to hijack this thread, if I may suggest the light holster made by Andrew Johnston of www.concealco.com
I have been using one of his for my E2 and E1L daily with good results.
