Valentines? Light as gift? **UPDATE page 3**


Mar 12, 2008
The six one four
Is anyone else besides me giving their wife/S.O. a light as a gift for Valentines day? I ask only because a light is not really considered a "romantic :eek:" present.

I have however put a lot of thought into choosing the right one for her needs and came up with a RA Twisty 85TR.
She is a classical musician and the majority of her gigs are at night and in poorly lit areas (outdoor weddings, orchestra pits, etc.).

I went with the Twisty because of it's simple U.I. and the low red will come in very handy when searching for nearby items or navigating narrow aisles. And when walking to the car after a show late at night she can twist it up to medium or high and have a nice amount of light with good useable spill to locate and identify noise or movement.

Anyway, i'll still pop for the traditional dozen roses and a nice card but i hope she likes the light too.:).
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Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

I would love to get a light whenever it is. But it's not really romantic no... But if you get the rozes and chocolate then u'll be fine ;) Ofcorse I don't know how your wife is so dunno if she likes it or not :p
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

The only flashaholic-grade light I've seen that would make a decent valentine's gift would be an engraved Horus (some excellent examples midway through the pic section here:, but even there the cost is too steep for something that's going to spend 99% of its service life at the bottom of a purse.

I'm still sticking with chocolates and spa gifts..
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

no, No, NO!

Chocolates, flowers, dinner at a restaurant, jewellery!

It's about HER, get it?

Indulge HER in the gift giving, not yourself.
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

If your wife is a flashaholic then maybe. Otherwise forget it.
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

Since she's not a flashaholic I think "Plan B" would be smarter. Try this, a gift certificate to a spa for a massage and facial. I surprised my wife at Christmas with this idea. She was shocked and pleased. Or open a "mad money" bank account for her. As Ictorana said, "Indulge HER". She's already got your P1D.

Re: Valentines? Light as gift?


no go with flashlights unless she's into lights herself.

you're better off sending flowers to her work.

and throughout the year, you can buy her flashlight stuff
for her car/house/person. and these items fall under the
"expected" category as the guy. much like fixing her computer,
car, and other stuff (at least based on my experience).

happy lighting,
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

No twisting and such.... it needs to be straight forward quick and simple access for ONE handed use. a bright but simply clicky with a battery she can find when you are not around.

That is what I would suggest. I know the RA Twisty is cool and all that jazz but if she is not into the lights and its capabilities, the twisting and remembering what mode is what will become confusing especially if she needs light in a hurry.
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

I just asked this question to my wife.

Her response: "If it's a funky light and there are chocolates as well, it's all good".
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

"no, No, NO!

Chocolates, flowers, dinner at a restaurant, jewellery!

It's about HER, get it?

Indulge HER in the gift giving, not yourself. "

+1 Maybe your wife would just love a flashlight, but I'd be willing to bet she would like something really special and feminine more! In my experience, guys like practical tool type stuff and women prefer something more personal especially for special occasions like Valentine's. Yeah, I know I am stereotyping.
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Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

Nobody remembers the Surefire Winelight? :)

I'm not so sure of the 85TR choice. If you want to get an expensive light, go for a McLux Sundrop 3-speed. The color rendition is a heck of a lot nicer and more, uh, romantic than any conventional white led. And the wide flood beam is great for reading music or any other close-up to mid-distance use. It's no good at long distances, but it sounds like that's not important.

If you want a red led, get a separate light for that purpose.

Note that the LRI Proton Pro has most of the characteristics of the 85TR including the red led, though it's much less rugged.
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

Unless she's a flashaholic too, you are just asking to be sleeping on the couch for a month or so. A friend gave his girlfriend a Swiss Army multi tooled pen knife for Valentines and she gave him the cold shoulder for a coupla weeks, notwithstanding that she was the outdoorsy type that found it a really useful gift (which she admitted a coupla months later).

Valentines is a conspiracy between florists, chocolatiers, restauranteurs, jewellers and Hallmark. If we dont blow huge extravagat sums on that one day, our women think we dont love them.

Man, that's weird. A single stalk of a red rose (normally about one singapore dollar) goes for 10 singapore dollars on valentines day, madness i say!
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

Since I can see that you're an incurable romantic, why not just get her something handy? a vacuum cleaner. :thumbsup:
She could put that to much better use than a flashlight.

P.S. Never give a woman a gift that's easily hurled in your direction. Don't give them anything sharp either!
Re: Valentines? Light as gift?

I don't care what women say to the contrary, they always want flowers at work. They want to show off to the other women because that is how they are. They like to one up the other.

Do the customary things and give her a light later on for no good reason

I got the special 35 roses from deal...

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