Victorinox or Wenger?

Victorinox or Wenger?

  • Victorinox

    Votes: 115 83.9%
  • Wenger

    Votes: 22 16.1%

  • Total voters
I can't speak for how these knives are made today, but from experience with older versions of both, I would pick Victorinox.

The main reason is as follows.....Victorinox knives have metal supports that run from end to end, making the knife stronger. If you were to open all of the blades at the same time you would see all of these metal separators that space out the blades. The spacers come up to the very edge of the knife or at least very close. With the older Wengers (maybe today's production too, but I don't know for sure), there were no supports running end to end. When the knife was fully open, you could just about squeeze the plastic scales together and make them bend inward quite easily.

Granted, I understand that you will never have all of the blades open at the same time and hope to use the knife, but i mention this for the sake of speaking to the Victorinox' better structural rigidity. The above may have changed over the years, but about 30 years ago when I bought my last Victorinox, it was a much stronger built knife than the Wenger. That knife is still going strong although it does have some tarnished/pitted metal on the separators (all blades are still clean chrome looking). It was an EDC for about 10 years (still carried today, but less frequently), and used every day during that time. With all of the abuse it's gone through, I've only had to sharpen the two main blades maybe two or three times. They just hold a remarkably sharp edge for a remarkably long time. I also like the way the scissors cut and felt in the hand compared to the Wenger. I would have to say that the blades have held their edge better thaqn any knife I've had over the past 30 years, and I've had quite a few!!!
in my experience, VIC has better steel and holds a better edge. And better QC. Wenger has some neat stuff and the ERGO series is cool, but I trust VIC in a pinch.
Both are excellent. Wenger is more willing to try new designs and ideas which is always a plus. Some really cool things have come of this, like the locking pocket-size SAKs and the EVO grips. Victorinox is far more traditional but quality is a bit higher. You are likely to hear fanboyism from both sides but Victorinox really is more popular overall.
Victorinox is the only SAK I would buy. Their Alox models are superior, I have been using an Alox Soldier for 30+ years.
I thought I read somewhere that Victorinox bought Wenger a few years ago....

For years I preferred Wenger because of the scissors. I've had several of the "hair pin" levers on the Vics break off. Annoying but they are still quite usable. The Wenger does need to be tightened once in a while but I liked that over having a piece of the knife break off.

The pliers on Vics have more gripping surface as they are fatter than the Wenger, so I like that, but again...the hair pin.

My current EDC is a Wenger that has a fish scaler/hook remover and was discontinued a few years ago. Before it rubbed off, there was a fly painted on the shield side of the handle. Looked like a Pacific Steelhead/Salmon fly...Skykomish Sunrise or something like that. Would love to find another to give to my Dad.
Victorinox bought Wenger when they were in a spot of financial trouble rather than let ownership go overseas. They are keeping product lines and production apart, and intend to keep it that way from the last press release I saw.
Vic. build quality and F/F are superior . The onlw Wenger i like is the SI ( Soldier equivalent ) , in some ways it's superior to the Soldier . Wanger has tried a few cool things , just that the quality isn't there .

I like both. Not sure where the talk of wenger's lower quality comes from but the couple I have are very much on par with vic. They also have some very nice innovations like ergo handle, rubber insert/coating, locking blade on pocket sized SAK (the lever actuate the back spring which lock the blade same way backlock does).
I like both. Like ypsifly, I tend to prefer the scissors on the Wenger - I've had the leaf springs on the Vic's scissors break on me on more than one occasion. I haven't bought either one for a few years though so I can't pass judgement on any of their recent products.
I have both brands,all well made but Victorinox is my personal favorite.
Wenger scissors are much better. The spring on the Victorinox is unreliable. I'm surprised that Victorinox didn't incorporate the Wenger scisssors now that they own them.
Overall I say Victorinox. I prefer their smaller and medium sized SAK's, and their ALOX to the Wengers. But in the larger OH patterns I'll take the Wenger Rangers over the 111mm's from Vic.

I also prefer the Vics, but I do like the 65mm size of the Wenger Esquire---the larger blade in a pocket knife is very useful (and sharp as the devil---cut a very large slice in my finger while being a bit careless :mecry:).
i prefer wengers. i like the belly on the wenger blades, i like that they are smaller, i like that they have good ergos and i got mine for cheap years ago (about 10 euros for an basic model)

i like my vics to i just prefer wenger

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