I had a chance to buy one of them on clearance once and when I saw the LED I was intrigued until I saw it took only 1 button cell. Lights with 3 lithium coin cells are what is used in keychain lights usually 2016s giving the LED 6v but the currrent draw cannot be maintained so the voltage drops under load and the LED although overdriven isn't at a critical range. 3V on a 3/5 mm LED is not going to give you a lot of lumens I'm guessing perhaps 5 maybe as high as 10 lumens with new batteries perhaps. If perhaps there is a lithium ion cell that size and you could fit a dropping resistor you could make it brighter but having to remove the cell and recharge is and buying a charge to do that safely all the cost and effort is not worth it for what the card has to begin with. I've had tiny lights using 3-4 AG1 batteries and they do put out decent light but dealing with the tiny batteries is a pain. I now have a minimum type/size of battery for smallest lights and that is 20XX or AAA although I think 10180 is probably a good option to consider.Thank you. Yea ive look around and red up and youre right - out of luck. That light they put there is the most useless light ive ever had my hands on.
I'm sure it can be improved with an update but clearly this is a last-resort light and would never be used except in emergency. Mine is way less than 1Lm, probably 0.1 but likely needs a new battery - speaking of which, how do you replace it?
Anyway nowadays your phone is your backup flashlight and probably most people have their phone more often than a wallet. Still, might as well have a backup in wallet.