VSS-3a control box help


Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2020
Has anyone ever made their own control box for the VSS-3a? I have one but I have VSS-1 control boxes and cables. I've got a connector for the light itself. But I'm wondering if there's any chance someone has made their own control boxes. From what I gather, the boxes (at least the VSS-1 I have here) is nothing more than switched controls and a latching relay.
Here are some photos of the controllers and the light.

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Thank you for that. I think I might have found a complete setup on ebay, but it's listed as a 3. But the controller looks like the ones you posted?

Here was a post with some links that someone posted about their own box. But they never built.

I've ordered some caps and momentary switches to try to build one of my own. Also I might have a lead on a 3A control box possibly. Maybe I can trade off some of the GSS-14/VSS-1 parts for the VSS-3A stuff I need.
Would this be a VSS-3A controller? It looks like the ones you had pictured.

That looks to be a VSS-3A control box. I thought there were more pics of the VSS-3 Box on CPF but the only two I found are here. They aren't that great but you can tell there is a big visual difference. Look at this post and the one below it:


Get your hands on that box as soon as you can!

From the operation manual:

"1-8. Description of Equipment
(fig. 1-1, 1-2)
The components of this searchlight are
not compatible with any other equipment
except that which is covered in
this manual. If a VSS-3 searchlight subassembly
is connected to a VSS-3A control
box, the booster-starter module will
burn out. If a VSS-3A searchlight subassembly
is connected to a VSS-3 control
box, the searchlight will not operate but
no damage will occur.
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$575 plus $210 for shipping is a good price. Regarding cables. Unless someone has already made up their own by modifying the originals, it's not plug-n-play. One original cable went from the light (which is a very odd thread) to a bulkhead connector on the outside of the turret. The second cable went from the inside of the turret bulkhead connector to the control box. There's a lot of soldering to be done to make your own cable from the light directly to the control box. 23 connector pins IIRC ranging from 16 AWG to 4AWG. The connectors you need run from about $75 to $125 each. The part numbers are in the CPF VSS-3(A) thread.

If you wanted to do it "down-n-dirty", you could cut the appropriate ends off the originals and splice the 23 wires/cables. There's no ignition/High Voltage in the cable wires so no special wire needed.
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