That looks to be a VSS-3A control box. I thought there were more pics of the VSS-3 Box on CPF but the only two I found are here. They aren't that great but you can tell there is a big visual difference. Look at this post and the one below it:
Get your hands on that box as soon as you can!
From the operation manual:
"1-8. Description of Equipment
(fig. 1-1, 1-2)
The components of this searchlight are
not compatible with any other equipment
except that which is covered in
this manual. If a VSS-3 searchlight subassembly
is connected to a VSS-3A control
box, the booster-starter module will
burn out. If a VSS-3A searchlight subassembly
is connected to a VSS-3 control
box, the searchlight will not operate but
no damage will occur.