WA1111 Envelope failure X2!!!


Mar 19, 2008
I just blew 2 WA1111's this morning. Both were envelope failures. One bulb had approx 3 hrs on it, the other less than 5 minutes. I use nitrile gloves when changing them so as to not get foreign substances on them. Am I missing something here? Is this typical with these bulbs?

They are run in a 2C by 2 IMR26500's.
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I think I've only blown one 1111 bulb with IMRs (26650s) and that was a simple poof off of a 4.24v per cell charge (my WF-188 chargers do this for some reason) with no soft start. Using a soft start I've never had a problem. For no soft start with a hot charge I learned to drop the resistance mods altogether which seems to work really well. With a normal 4.17ish charge (using better chargers) this doesn't seem to be necessary.

One question....did you by chance bend or stress the prongs in any way...perhaps when centering the bulb? I popped a bulb due to this once (can't remember if that was a 1111 or not.)

Honestly, my experience with the 1111 bulb is that it's a tough little booger.

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