50 or 60hz flicker from old magnetic fluorescent ballast is noticeable to some. Electronic ballasts operate in the 25,000hz range and eliminate the problem. If its a flicker issue and most likely it is, thats the way to solve it. It its spectrum then buy a better bulb, leds use phoshors too.
I doubt the luxim leaks that much rf or the fcc wouldnt let them put them in projectors. Microwaves arent dangerous to your health in levels that dont heat you up, WIFI, Cellular, Bluetooth, Sat tv are all microwaves so most of us hold microwave transmitters to our faces daily. If your microwave oven had plastic sides instead of metal you would be cooking your house more so than your food because plastic is transparent to microwaves. Imagine the magnetron was a lightbulb and the microwave oven was made out of glass.