Wanted 6000+ Lumens Lamp bulb


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2003
I want to avoid flourescent lights so I'd like to buy or make a 6000+ lumens light bulb.

Something like a Phlatlight leds, but I've no idea where to buy them from or how to wire them up :(
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what are you using the light for? do you need high CRI? need to be super energy efficient?
Reasonable CRI I am sensitive to florescent lights they give me a headache.

Good if I could use my lamp when I visit someone and they can turn the florescents off.
Reasonable CRI I am sensitive to florescent lights they give me a headache.

Good if I could use my lamp when I visit someone and they can turn the florescents off.
Looks as if you are sensitive to the 60Hz (or 50Hz - BTW what country are you in?) flicker. Note that LED bulbs have similar circuitry to CFLs and may also have that flicker.
From this thread:
Post 15
I just picked up a PAR16 GE bulb for $24 at Walmart, that I think has the same emitter as the "GU10" you guys describe.

It's color temp is a bit cooler than the GE 7watt PAR26 (packaging specifies it at 3050K), and also lacks any filtering; the PAR26 is on solid, the PAR16 shows unfiltered fullwave flicker (120Hz).
Post 18
I just checked by waving my hand back and forth in front if it, and I do see definite strobing. Then I tried the same test under the same conditions with the larger 3-LED 7w unit - no strobing. It looks like this is confirmed.
You need to make sure any LED bulb you buy or build filters out the 60Hz (or 50Hz) ripple.

The Luxim thing is designed for streetlights or parking lot lights. It also uses microwaves which is dangerous to your health. (Ever wonder why microwave ovens always have metal outsides, never plastic?) On a streetlight 50 feet up not too bad. Next to you NO.

Why do you need that much light? 6000 lumens is close to a 400W incandescent bulb.
Looks like you need a portable 500W halogen work light such as this:
50 or 60hz flicker from old magnetic fluorescent ballast is noticeable to some. Electronic ballasts operate in the 25,000hz range and eliminate the problem. If its a flicker issue and most likely it is, thats the way to solve it. It its spectrum then buy a better bulb, leds use phoshors too.

I doubt the luxim leaks that much rf or the fcc wouldnt let them put them in projectors. Microwaves arent dangerous to your health in levels that dont heat you up, WIFI, Cellular, Bluetooth, Sat tv are all microwaves so most of us hold microwave transmitters to our faces daily. If your microwave oven had plastic sides instead of metal you would be cooking your house more so than your food because plastic is transparent to microwaves. Imagine the magnetron was a lightbulb and the microwave oven was made out of glass.
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