I know some of you guys have baggies full of bits of lights that you either replaced or don't need. My wife nixed my other hobbies but she does not mind this one because it is cheap and I can benefit friends and family, neighbors and co-workers with it.
I like to fix broken lights and give them away. From DX throwaways to Fenixes and better I like to tinker and try and fix things and most of them get given to people I know who could use a light.
I.M. me with what you have and I'll be happy to pay for shipping to get them here, or pay for more valuable stuff as well. I am not too picky and am willing to work on anything.
I have power tools and just enough knowledge to be dangerous. This lets me vent my creative energies as well as ever so slightly benefitting the community.
I like to fix broken lights and give them away. From DX throwaways to Fenixes and better I like to tinker and try and fix things and most of them get given to people I know who could use a light.
I.M. me with what you have and I'll be happy to pay for shipping to get them here, or pay for more valuable stuff as well. I am not too picky and am willing to work on anything.
I have power tools and just enough knowledge to be dangerous. This lets me vent my creative energies as well as ever so slightly benefitting the community.