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Sold/Expired *-*-*Wanted: Broken Flashlights/Flashlight Parts*-*-*


Oct 6, 2005
I know some of you guys have baggies full of bits of lights that you either replaced or don't need. My wife nixed my other hobbies but she does not mind this one because it is cheap and I can benefit friends and family, neighbors and co-workers with it.

I like to fix broken lights and give them away. From DX throwaways to Fenixes and better I like to tinker and try and fix things and most of them get given to people I know who could use a light.

I.M. me with what you have and I'll be happy to pay for shipping to get them here, or pay for more valuable stuff as well. I am not too picky and am willing to work on anything.

I have power tools and just enough knowledge to be dangerous. This lets me vent my creative energies as well as ever so slightly benefitting the community.
Let me have a dig through my junk drawer, we'll see what I can find.

I could use an L2T driver, any and all fenix parts, any and all Ultrafire C3 parts, and generally anything of interest.

I really really need a fenix head/bezel though, preferably gutted, but whatever.

Spare parts, switches, WIRE, old pills, old lights, hit me with what you got.

So far I have given lights to Co-workers, friends, and a bunch of kids, and have a bucket of them waiting for the school year to start.
I got a box 'o stuff.

I'll let you know what I have..........and there are some goodies!

Let me catalog what I have in that drawer I never open anymore, will get back to you :) .
Mailed out box today to you. The multi-LED lights are from DX and were to be modified but never got around to. Never tested. Added some more lights as filler to pack the "flat rate" box.
To All:
It seems my little hobby has expanded to beyond just something to keep me occupied. Due to the overwhelming response of fellow CPF members my collection of lights has grown well above and beyond my greatest expectations and I could not let this show of good will end with me.

The first of several donations to the Nikiski/Northstar Elementary School has taken place today. 16 lights of various forms, all vetted and fairly proven and fresh batteries were dropped of to the office just a few moments ago with instructions to the staff to pass them out to children who walk to school or to a bus stop. The staff was extremely pleased. I regret that I did not take pictures, but things being the way they are, I did not feel comfortable taking any of the school or of students.

Originally I intended to pass them out at the nearby school bus stop myself, but having a creepy flashoholic sitting in his truck at the bus stop just does not seem like a good idea.

I have many more lights that need to be repaired/frankensteined back to functionality. I am in dire need of switches that fit into the tailcaps of AA lights, and of roughly 16mm driver boards. I really do not care bout performance anymore as I just want to slap together functional lights.


Many of the lights that were given to me were cr123a types, and I did not feel comfortable handing those out to students. Instead, in the future, look forward to a "Good Will" thread where I will be giving them away, probably sometime this winter when my honeydo list is not so long. I may give some of these to teachers or other adults as well.

In the mean time, keep the lights coming! Anything and everything that makes (or made) light. Broken, outdated, obsolete, I will find a good home for them.
Hey, would you like a modded Maglite?
It's a completed mod, uses a 12v halogen buld, the ones with 2 pins,
It's a 3d, and needs a battery pack to support it(only thing I haven't made).
