Wanted: Suggestions For Remote Controllable Outlets Via GUI + Local Control


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2007
Hudson Valley
I am looking for a device to turn on and off appliances which meets all of the following criteria:

1) Has a GUI that doesn't require me to fidget with dials, buttons, switches, knobs, etc.
2) Does not require access to the Internet
3) Can be operated locally over RF or wifi
4) Can be set to turn appliances/lights on and off manually, and/or randomly, and/or on a set schedule

The closest I have found so far:

1) X10 With Timer

a) It is old school; but, it is proven tech. Unfortunately, I can't find a GUI to interface with these modules.

b) Does anyone know of one?

2) Lutron Smart Bridge

a) I already own three Lutron appliance modules which I operate concurrently with one Pico remote, and the Lutron Smart Bridge claims to be able to control them via an app with a GUI.

b) This thread here and this thread here strongly suggest that this "Smart Bridge" will function without Internet access; however, if their servers permanently go down and/or they decide to no longer support this piece of hardware, I do not believe you will be able to set up new "scenes" and/or events/timers/schedules/etc.

c) So, preferably, I am looking for something which does not need to "phone home" to set things up.

d) However, this is the closest, so far, to doing what I wish.

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There are dozens of these wifi outlets on Amazon; however, as soon as I get to the reviews about how they catch on fire/burn out, I close the tab.

X10 and Lutron are well-established players in the field and they are all that I can find so far.

Additionally, I am looking for something that isn't terribly complicated to set up with complex scripts.

I am aware that there are a plethora of outlet timers out there; however, I want something that can be quickly and easily programmed with a GUI.
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Up and until I get more feedback on CPF—a place where, over the years, I have found a large supply of techies and equally inquisitive folk willing to share their treasure trove(s) of knowledge—I may wind up picking up the Lutron Caseta Wireless Smart Bridge, seeing if/how it works with my three existing appliance modules—and then yanking the Internet connection and seeing how it does with LAN only.

EDIT: The Lowes 20 minutes from me claims to have this available for $80.00.

While I usually love a solid haggle/craigslist score, the ability to know that:

1) I am more likely to get one with a more recent firmware right out of the box,


2) I can return it with zero hassle

means my December Saturday night may have just become incrementally more exciting. :)

EDIT: I didn't read closely: It would need to be shipped to the store. :-(
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I use X10 with the CM-15A (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0034JYZ8W/?tag=cpf0b6-20) and ActiveHome Pro GUI on Windows (used to be paid software, but now free: http://kbase.x10.com/wiki/ActiveHome_Pro). Works great expecially since I've now added a XTBR repeater from Jeff Volp (http://jvde.us/xtbr.htm) and a Leviton 6284 DHC phase coupler (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0008IVHTW/?tag=cpf0b6-20) to my system. The CM-15A works with the GUI over USB and also via an X-10 RF controller.

There may also be an alternative GUI for this for Mac and/or Linux but I have never researched it.
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@frank70: The CM-15A does appear to do just this, i.e., be programmable from a computer and then be removed!

My only concern is that I don't think (?) from my small amount of research yesterday evening (after seeing your post) that this product is still being manufactured, so finding a replacement might become tricky as time goes on.

However, there appear to be quite a few on the used market.

Thank you very much for posting!

EDIT: Since there was no readily available brick and mortar option, I just picked up the "Lutron L-BDGPRO-WH Caseta Wireless Smart Bridge PRO" for $79.16 from a quite popular auction site.

I'll post again after trying it out!
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