waste not, want not. using LED 'parts'


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 30, 2003
SW Michigan
waste not, want not. using LED \'parts\'

about last Christmas I got a few pens from JC Penney that had an 'LED' that faded colors, and caused the front half of the pen to light up. Wll about a monts after these were bought, all the blue LEDs stopped working. I just re-found one of these and only the red and green die worked. It originally was about 8mm in diameter and about 5mm tall, and was dies on a small circuit board.
once again 1+1=2 OR mod me...
i HAVE SOME rgb 4 LEG led around and I thought, why not put these parts together...
I sanded the "LED" all the way down to the internal board and soldered the RGB LED to the small board.

Re: waste not, want not. using LED \'parts\'

The blue chip requires a higher voltage than the reg & green ones. Try a new battery and see if the blue comes back.
Re: waste not, want not. using LED \'parts\'

naw, they were all dead (blue), must have been a defect in the design. probably why they were selling then for $1.
Re: waste not, want not. using LED \'parts\'

wow, can't belive you sand it down and were able to solder to that. I've seen those before (earing flahser type).
Re: waste not, want not. using LED \'parts\'

I have some of the metal cased jobbies. only reason I was able to do this is the LED circuit board had the dies on the front and the 'controller' on the back. Most of the newer ones have all the parts on one side. The ones like that wouldent be moddable like this.
Re: waste not, want not. using LED \'parts\'

WildRice said:
naw, they were all dead (blue), must have been a defect in the design. probably why they were selling then for $1.

[/ QUOTE ]

Huh... thanks. I wonder if the blue LEDs require a tad more heatsinking than the others. Or something. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif

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