Watch your baby sitter!!


Dec 4, 2006
Norman, OK
My friend's baby sitter, he is really a class of its own, he is 16.
Not only he purchased $90 worth of movies on pay per view and never admitted on doing it. Stuff he purchased included playboy channel stuff...
Other than that he stole ciggarrets and cash laying on the table. Man i'd wish i would have never to go through this kind of crap.
If you have a babysitter that you have to let him stay your place watch for your precious stuff *cough* lights!!
scary... i wouldn't let a male watch my kids.... only females... only Christian females that go to church on a regular basis and have a love for the Lord that is obvious to mult. people...
jar3ds said:
i wouldn't let a male watch my kids.


Teenage males tend toward irresponsibility and untrustworthiness. Of course some of them are completely trustworthy.

But just playing the odds, it'd be unwise to rely on a teen male to look after little kids.

I'd only entitle someone to a job like that if I knew them for a while. Even then I would still secure my stuff.
NAW said:
I'd only entitle someone to a job like that if I knew them for a while. Even then I would still secure my stuff.

To hell with your stuff - that's replacable. The kids are not replacable.

ringzero said:
To hell with your stuff - that's replacable. The kids are not replacable.


So you're saying you're just gonna leave your credit cards, checks, files, money, laying around the house for anyone to pick up?

Thinking about the kids safety is important. But its not like you have to say the hell with the belongings, I'm gonna completley forget about them because there not as important...

Most people have a higher chance of being ripped off than there child dieing from a babysitter so it would be wise to think about both child endangerment & theft as well.
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NAW said:
So you're saying you're just gonna leave your credit cards, checks, files, money, laying around the house for anyone to pick up?

I'm saying that worldly goods left laying around the house are insignificant compared to the welfare of the children.

NAW said:
Most people have a higher chance of being ripped off than there child dieing from a babysitter so it would be wise to think about both not just one.

There are also very unpleasant, highly traumatic things that can happen to children short of death. Think about that.

ringzero said:
To hell with your stuff - that's replacable. The kids are not replacable.


Dang right! LOL, all you guys worried about some stupid flashlights MUST be single (at least I hope you are). :ohgeez:

I'm not saying that as any type of critisism, I was that way too PK (Pre Kids). Once you have a child, your priorities and mind-set change. Its all good. :)
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If you can't trust someone with your belongings, how can you trust them with your family???
My wife and I are lucky to live close enough to both our parents that babysitters won't have to be used. The grandparents love spending time with our son.

That being said, if I were to use someone outside the family, my child's welfare is the primary concern. But all valuables would be secured.
jar3ds said:
... only females... only Christian females that go to church on a regular basis and have a love for the Lord that is obvious to mult. people...

Hmmm... guess I can't be trusted with kids then... based on that criteria. Ever watch "Forensic Files" on CourtTV? Just the other night there was a story (true story, btw) of two brothers who attended the same church with their wives. Both couples were respected members of the church and community. One brother was having an affair with the other brother's wife and ended up killing his own wife so he could be with his brother's wife. And the pastor of the church helped to cover it up and instructed his congregation during Sunday services not to talk to the authorities. Yep... gotta trust those church-goin' folks... and family too!
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Sasha said:
Hmmm... guess I can't be trusted with kids then... based on that criteria. Ever watch "Forensic Files" on CourtTV? Just the other night there was a story (true story, btw) of two brothers who attended the same church with their wives. Both couples were respected members of the church and community. One brother was having an affair with the other brother's wife and ended up killing his own wife so he could be with his brother's wife. And the pastor of the church helped to cover it up and instructed his congregation during Sunday services not to talk to the authorities. Yep... gotta trust those church-goin' folks... and family too!

How is posting something like this keeping things respectful? :huh2: :thinking:
It's reallly tough to be sure about anyone. In general, teenagers have not yet learned to have restraint. Put temptation in the path of most teenagers and you have a strong possibility that they will make the wrong decision. Outwardly visible factors such as religion, girlscouts, etc don't really come into play.

Nanny-cams are commercially successful simply because folks realize that they can't tell if the 60 year old woman who sits the kids every Wednesday is bringing her own booze or boyfriends.

I was once a single parent. I had to use baby sitters on many occasions. According to my adult kids, two of the sitters (one a licensed day care provider) were abusive. Yes, they both attended church reularly, and one even took my kids with her a few times.

Hiring mature adults whom you have time to get to know is the key. It also helps to actually get references from the kids that she/he has baby sat before.

i dont see how going to church has anything to do with this as i dont go to church, i believe in God, but do i go to church every sunday, No. I dont drink, i dont smoke, i dont do drugs, i dont sneek out of the house at night, and i definetly dont steal from my employer. i see them putting a great trust on you when they leave you with there keys to there house and i think you should respect them.

I have a girl in my class that is very religous, she goes to church every sunday, and what does she do? sneaks out of here house behind here parents back to go drinking and parting. so do i think people should tell if they should employ somone on if they go to church, NO.

I fear this thread will be locked shortly, but here's my input.

I'm 34 years old and my ex and I have two daughters and she and her new husband have a son. I think in my lifetime, I've met maybe 20 males tops between the ages of 13 and 18 that I would trust around our kids. I've probably met 200 girls between those same ages that I would trust. Regardless of churchgoing activities, yes there are wild kids that look like angels and vice versa but if I knew the girl and her parents, I'd be less likely to think she would recklessly endanger my kids than would a typical male in the same age bracket.

To be honest, unless it was a very tight knit group, I'd be somewhat suspicious of a guy that was 13-16 looking to make money baby-sitting.
I love how people assume that if one church goer kills, drinks, steals, or anything else for that matter, lumps all religous people in the same boat. :rolleyes:

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