I've been using a PUR countertop water purifier for a couple of years. It really improves the taste of the tap water, in addition to filtering out lead and other nasties. The problem is that their filter design sucks and it takes forever to get any usable quantity of water through the thing, because it basically drips out. So I fill gallon jugs and keep them in the frig.
Anyway, I've decided to replace it so I went to Consumer Reports, and last year they gave their top rating to the Kenmore Model 34551, which was sold at Sears and KMart for around $50, but now is not on their website, so they may have replaced it with this new model I found. It's a Paragon P3050ON
and it claims to not need replacement filters. It says it will clean 10,000 gallons of water, which is supposedly about what an average family uses in 5 years. I'm single so it would probably last my lifetime.
I've never heard of this type of technology that they are using, and wonder if it really works, and is any good. I'm sceptical that this thing would be able to perform well for such a long time. Does anybody here have a clue on this stuff? (The 34551 is being sold on ebay).
Anyway, I've decided to replace it so I went to Consumer Reports, and last year they gave their top rating to the Kenmore Model 34551, which was sold at Sears and KMart for around $50, but now is not on their website, so they may have replaced it with this new model I found. It's a Paragon P3050ON
and it claims to not need replacement filters. It says it will clean 10,000 gallons of water, which is supposedly about what an average family uses in 5 years. I'm single so it would probably last my lifetime.