What irks me is that besides creating hydrogen for later use or as a portable fuel source, why not just nuclear/solar/wind energy directly? I'm suprised more people don't see the foolishness of creating hydrogen from other sources, and then burning it to create something that you could get a lot faster. Especially when efficiency is factored in. That being said, I do understand and support hydrogen as a energy carrier for use in cars or other ways, but it would be nice if more people knew that we only get hydrogen from other sources, sometimes nuclear, sometimes oil. Pet peeve for me when people think you can mine hydrogen.
Now running your car off of "HHO" is a scam. You can smell it from the other side of the internet.
I have however wondered about the validity of another place that talked about a hydrogen retrofit. They didn't claim to run your car off totally off hydrogen. Rather, they said that by using some torque to create hydrogen, and feeding it back into the fuel line, you would get a better burn, kind of like injecting a mix of propane into some large engines. This makes sense to me because electrolysis would create a nice supply of Oxygen on top of the Hydrogen, helping combustion. I'm skeptical of this as well, but this seems a lot less shady than the miracle "HHO". Any thoughts?