Wee Da Order list & Clarification


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 14, 2004
The other thread became to scattered & i feel all the important information should be here in this 1st post.

To begin all who have paid the £100 to secure a Wee Da once they are finished.

Wee Damascus £100 Paid.

1. JonnyDeep Paid in full
2. Data Paid in full
3. Olrac Paid in full
4. judgecrandall Paid in Full
5. Yoyoteen Paid in Full
6. bbrriiaann Paid in Full
7. Eric242 Paid in full
8. paramecium Paid In Full
9. Orb Sort of Paid in Full
10. Dmdrewitt Paid in full
11. Gollum Paid in Full
12. Ericmack Paid in full
13. Ericmack Paid in full
14. Olaf Paid in full
15. Osprey_Guy Paid in full
16. Jch79 Paid in Full
17. MrBigBossMan Paid in Full
18. DarkZero Paid in Full
19. Wvaitakis2 Paid in Full
20. Chief-Yeah
21. Bugoutgear Paid in Full
22. Loveshack Paid in Full
23. AndyTiedye Paid in full
24. GeorgeMaggos Paid in Full
26. Kenster
27. White Light Paid In Full
29. Micheal Turner Paid In Full

I only have enough Damascus to produce max 35. One way to find out who will definitely purchase is to take some payment.
I have held of as long as possible before needing to think about taking some money for these. There is demand for more than the 20 I was going to offer. I have purchased more material in time before these go on the machines next week.

My best guesstimate is that these will be £150 each, there is uncertainty as I do not know the cost of the etching process. I am as sure as I can be that £150 will be the final price.

So perhaps a way to satisfy everybody that wishes to purchase a Wee Da is to begin excepting payments. Lead time is another best guess as i can not forecast how long it will take for Dennis to receive, etch & send back the Wee Da's. Again best Estimate is 5 Weeks from 7th July so 2nd week of August for expected dispatch.
Edit Extended lead time now October.

Of course in an ideal setup/world I would prefer to take payments once these were finished ready to dispatch & satisfy all that wish to purchase. That not being the case finally leads me to the conclusion I must ask for prepayment of the Wee Da now.
This web page that will take prepayment for £100.
Once I have customers payments I will post a list on CPF of those paid.
There will then be the balance to pay once the Wee Da's are ready to dispatch. The balance will be variable as some will want to add locators, batteries etc.
Finally the max will be 35 Damascus Wee's.
Thank you to all who have paid the £100 so far.
Go here for the order page:http://web.mac.com/Lummii/Lummi2/Wee_Da.html

What Damascus is being used for the Wee Da?

On recommendation from my UK distributor for www.damasteel.com in Sweden.
We decided that the Blue Tongue Non Twist pattern in Austenitic Stainless Damascus Steel would be the best option.
This material is non magnetic & has a very high corrosion resistance. All though described as soft in comparison to the other steels that can be hardened for blade edges etc it is plenty hard enough for the Wee application.
To Clarify unlike the Raw Da which was made from Hardenable Stainless Damascus the Wee Da will not be vacuum hardened.
I did achieve a high contrast with the Raw Da material. The Wee Da material I have etched & found less contrast than the Raw Da.
The Wee Da will be sent to Dennis Greenbaum (Osprey_Guy) for the etching / finishing process who is an expert in this field.

I will experiment with the reflector to see if is best left un-etched or etched. Photos will be put up of all the stages as & when possible.
More updates will follow here & on my web site.

0 Zero more Available as of Nov 2008.
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Reserved for updates. :thumbsup:
:wave: 7 Wee Da's available as of 9pm 14th July :thanks:
Just a note, I used this material in some damascus whistles. The shop that was turning them had a TERRIBLE time with it. I hope you have better luck with your machinist because mine gave up after just a couple of pieces.
I belief there are still open spots for these since 37 will be made and only 30 are claimed.

Lummi's website says as of 8-29-08 there are zero (0) available. It also says there will only be 35 made. I believe Rob hasn't updated the list yet.
:wave: Guys, sorry I forgot all about this thread.
I have updated the 1st post to tally with my web site.
These are all spoken for & unfortunately we are further behind with these than I had hoped.
The 1st operation was completed a few weeks back, the second operation has been causing problems like breaking the fixtures used for the Wee Ti.
Like Peter Atwood kindly mentions Damascus can be tough on the tooling. My machine shop are Not going to give up :ohgeez: They are however reserved about a future run.
The CNC shop have also had skilled men shortages during August which does put the Wee Da much further behind than anybody wants.
The next two weeks really should have the 2nd machining operation complete.
There is then a 3rd Op which is all milling & should be done relatively quick.
Next time I visit the CNC shop I'll take photos of progress so far.
:wave: Guys.
Well I had hoped to have heard from the machine shop this week! I didn't.
I have left them alone for a week or two now so I will be going to see them on Monday 29th.
I assume we are still no further forwards? I will post exactly what I now on Monday with some photos of progress or lack of so far.
:crackup: :crackup: Griff.
There was still no progress to report on the 29th.
I spoke with the machine shop today & they have begun the second Op work.
A trip over there will happen this week & I will report back here progress so far.
Visited the machine shop today.
The difficult second operation is complete.
Third op to finish during next week.
Then finally they will be sent to Dennis for etching.
Progress should be much quicker now.
time for an update?
if possible are there any pics of these babies being etched

can't wait...hope you've got some trit vials put aside for them too,
weren't you out of stock recently
cheers to you Rob
3rd Op complete just some finishing work like de burring to do this week.
Then of for etching. Sorry still no pics, as soon as I get them back to my workshop I'll do the photo shoot.
Yes plenty of White, Green & Blue locators for these :twothumbs