Wee Owner Survey


Newly Enlightened
Aug 5, 2007
Now that Wee owners have had a chance to play with their tiny new flashlight(s)... I was wondering:

Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 25 lumen Ti
* 50 lumen Ti
* 80 lumen Ti
* 25 lumen NS
* 50 lumen NS
* 80 lumen NS

Do you prefer a Wee with:
* 0 tritium inserts
* 1 tritium insert
* 2 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* To impress others (bragging rights)
* Shelf queen(s)
* Frequently used tool(s)

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* On a keyring
* On a neck lanyard
* On a wrist lanyard
* Attached to clothing
* In a pocket
* In a bag/briefcase/purse/other
* Hand-carried
* Shelf queens are not carried!

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros
* Cons

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes
* No

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?
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25 lumens
2 blue trits
Frequently used (but occasionally shown off:grin2:)
On my key ring with a host of sharp scratchy objects
PROS: 25 lumens is actually a very usuable level of light to help with everyday tasks or to bail you out if a primary light fails and gives a EDC respectable run time. CONS:I would like to see the size reversed i.e. larger reflector than battery tube (I did read the reason why this was not the viable but can't for the life of me remember what Rob said the reason were)
YES - absolutely

Advice - remember that with Ti it is much harder to get the smooth threads associated with Al or seen on the NS. I have an NS RAW & a Ti RAW (but only an NS Wee) and much prefer the feel and weight of the NS/ But....to each is own.
Now that Wee owners have had a chance to play with their tiny new flashlight(s)... I was wondering:

Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?

* 80 lumen Ti

Do you prefer a Wee with:

* 2 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):

* Frequently used tool(s)

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):

* On a keyring
* Attached to clothing
* In a pocket

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros
Tritium for finding it in the dark
Simple off/on ui

* Cons
Price (good value for money, but ti is still pricey)
Only one color trit option (I like the blue, but having one with a different color would make it easy to tell mine apart from my wife's)

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?

* More

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?

* Buy it!
Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?

* 50 lumen Ti
* 50 lumen NS

Do you prefer a Wee with:

* 2 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* To impress others (bragging rights)
* Frequently used tool(s)

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* On a neck lanyard

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros Most used Light because Wee is always with me... Great close up flood
* Cons :sssh:

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?

Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 25 lumen Ti
* 25 lumen NS
with a 50 lumen LE that I ended up not using that much the NS is for the wife

Do you prefer a Wee with:
* 2 tritium inserts
There is no 1 insert...would look odd anyway

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* Frequently used tool(s)
but it sure does impress others anyway

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* On a neck lanyard
actually on a chain...but with the rat tail attached:laughing:

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros
The size and simple UI and price(for the NS) the 25 lumens are completely useable and attached to the neck chain it can be used hands free
* Cons
Wish there was more trit options:p

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes
The NS makes a great gift:thumbsup:
Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 80 lumen Ti

Do you prefer a Wee with:
* 2 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* Frequently used tool
* To impress others (bragging rights)

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight:
* Attached to clothing

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros - Size and Brightness
* Cons - None, no sorry cost!!

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?
It's hard to get your head around how small it actually is, and think carefully what your use will be before ordering the lumen size.
Here goes,

25 Lumens Ti. Fantastic!

Two Trits. Who on Earth wouldn't!

My first call, nighttime excursion torch - checking on kids, bathroom wee ( Ho ho ho), reading in bed, reading in Reading...

Wear it on a chain around my neck.

Pros - size, flood, size, beam utility, size, wow! factor, size, lightness ( :grin2: ), rechargeability and especially its name! Oh and size does come into it.

Cons - Sometimes too small to get a grip on and turn on, the first torch I've ever been afraid to mouth carry unless I swallow it, lanyard/keyring hole too small to get a split ring into - slightly paranoid about the lanyard supplied - irrational I know but there you are - and it would be £82 to replace!!

I would purchase one or more Wee's ( And already have !!! :eek: :sssh: )

I wouldn't recommend it to people who have to turn their torches on with only one hand.

Cheers to Rob and the Wee and all who sail in Her!!!

Hip Hip, Hooray!

Be lucky...
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Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 25 lumen Ti
* 50 lumen Ti
* 80 lumen Ti - wish I did
* 25 lumen NS
* 50 lumen NS - yes
* 80 lumen NS

Do you prefer a Wee with:
* 0 tritium inserts
* 1 tritium insert
* 2 tritium inserts - yes

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* To impress others (bragging rights) - yup!
* Shelf queen(s)
* Frequently used tool(s) - used when needed

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* On a keyring - yes, in a waist pouch
* On a neck lanyard - may try it if I had a Ti one
* On a wrist lanyard
* Attached to clothing
* In a pocket
* In a bag/briefcase/purse/other
* Hand-carried
* Shelf queens are not carried!

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros - small & light, useful amount of light output
* Cons - none really. I have small fingers and can turn it on with one hand even. :)

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?

Just buy one. You won't regret it. :thumbsup:
50 lumen NS
0 inserts
frequently used
in a pocket
pros= light and bright
cons short runtime should have bought the 25 lumen for what I use it for
yes I would buy it again. only the 25 lumen for me I plan on buying the 25 lumen to use when I can get the emitter on the web site

I'm a first-class cheapskate, yet there is no way I'd have ordered it without them.

I have no need for them so why waste the money. They are expensive enough thanks to president chimpys monetary policy.
I have no need for them so why waste the money.

Thought so, too, when I ordered my RAW, then I got a used NS with a green trit and realized how easy they make it to find the light on the nightstand in the middle of the night.

They are expensive enough thanks to president chimpys monetary policy.

I don't come here for political BS.:sssh:


PS: You can always tell a dumbocrap, you just can't tell them much. They prefer not to be confused with the facts.:popcorn:
Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 50 lumen Ti
* 50 lumen NS x3

I prefer a Wee with:
* 2 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* Frequently used tool(s)

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* In a pocket

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros super small form factor/ bright
* Cons easy for your buddy to swipe it from you

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?Get it;you wont be sorry:twothumbs
Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 25 lumen Ti
* 50 lumen Ti
* 80 lumen Ti
* 25 lumen NS
* 50 lumen NS
* 80 lumen NS-yes

Do you prefer a Wee with:
* 0 tritium inserts-yes
* 1 tritium insert
* 2 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* To impress others (bragging rights)-yes
* Shelf queen(s)
* Frequently used tool(s)-yes

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* On a keyring-yes
* On a neck lanyard-yes
* On a wrist lanyard
* Attached to clothing
* In a pocket
* In a bag/briefcase/purse/other
* Hand-carried
* Shelf queens are not carried!

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros-Small, Bright, and excellent build quality
* Cons-None

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?

* Yes because its a very nice light with great brightness and great build quality.Rob also has excellent customer service.
Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 25 lumen NS
* 80 lumen NS

Do you prefer a Wee with:
* 2 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* Frequently used tool(s)

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* In a pocket - got to buy a pouch though to seperate it from the keys

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros
-tiny as! my orb raw for ex. is too 'big' to edc in my pockets (I prefer to have as less as possible in my pockets)
- Top notch built quality
- changeable into different lumen setting in less than a minute
- good for close range work

* Cons
-Can´t twist it with one hand (haha, but that´s my problem, my hands are too big)

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?[/quote]

-get the 2 tritium version
-get a spare battery
-Choose lumen setting wisely or get two modules. When I got up this morning I turned the wee on when it was pitch black. The 25lm setting is just perfect if your eyes are adopted to the darkness. It´s really bright enough to throw enough light around you. Enough to see where you´re walking etc.

I got the 80lm setting just for the sake of seeing how bright it appears compared to my 80lm orb raw. But as said before, due to the floody beam pattern you can´t compare it. Would be interesting to see the difference between 80 & 50lm...

Edit: I was bored today so I thought I throw some pics in
(the first one gives an idea of the diameter compared to orb raw & diff. batteries,
the other one I was playing around with a ring. It´s tiny as!)


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50 lumen Ti
2 tritium inserts
Frequently used tool(s)
On a neck lanyard

Great size for carry

Price a bit high

Yes would buy again

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?
Get one, any one.
Which version(s) of the Wee flashlight do you own?
* 50 lumen NS

Do you prefer a Wee with:
* 0 tritium inserts

What is the primary use for your Wee flashlight(s):
* Frequently used tool(s)

Do you typically carry your Wee flashlight(s):
* On a keyring

Based on your experience, what are the major:
* Pros : Extremely bright for the size, looks beautiful, decent runtime, good beam
* Cons : took me longer to think than the pros, but I can not find a single one

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers?
Just get one! Or two! Or three! Or ... :p
:cool: Photos Dan_ :thumbsup:

BIG :thanks: to all for this feedback thread.


A Little Cryptic But I couldn't Resist....
Best wishes From Rob @ Lummi :party:
I have the 50 lumen Ti with the optional 80 lumen LE.

I prefer my Wee with as much tritium as possible, 2 vials are installed.

I use the Wee primary for every day use such as; getting wood for the fireplate at evening/night, going to my kids when the have a bad dream in the night, etc.

I carry my Wee on a neck lanyard

If you had it to do over, would you purchase one (or more) Wee flashlights?
* Yes

Do you have any advice for potential Wee purchasers? Get it while you can :twothumbs and have the optional 25 lummen LE. Have at least two tritium vials installed.