Well that was dumb (busted a Dinotte 200L)


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2009
So, inspired by one thread or another about the 200L, I decided to take mine apart and poke around inside.

All was going well, until I decided to take a closer look at the LED.
The emitter is mounted on a disk as seen here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=210005
I tried to pull the disk out by grabbing the emitter with needlenose pliers.
Bad idea.
The pliers slipped and squished the dome (it's kind of a rubbery material. silicone?) right off.


Since I may as well turn my ham-fistedness into a positive, I figure that this is a good time to upgrade the LED.

I understand that the stock emitter is a Luxeon something-or-other.
Does anybody know what it is exactly, and what would be a good replacement?

i think most people use a seoul p4 but you might beable to use one of the new cree leds do a search there is a thread on a upgrade to a p4.
Definitely a good excuse to upgrade. I upgraded my 3W in that thread you reference - I just picked up an R4 XPG on a 10mm board from nailbender and am planning on putting that into the Dinotte soon.

My current plan is to take the original donut shaped board, desolder the luxeon emitter and then epoxy the 10mm star in place of the Luxeon emitter in the original board and remount it - the size of a 10mm board is almost a perfect fit (maybe some filing will be required). The height of the XPG+board is still a little lower than the original Luxeon emitter alone, but that can be adjusted for.

Given the wider radiation pattern of the XPG, your original P4/Luxeon optic might come out with a reasonably similar beam.

Since I may as well turn my ham-fistedness into a positive, I figure that this is a good time to upgrade the LED.

I understand that the stock emitter is a Luxeon something-or-other.
Does anybody know what it is exactly, and what would be a good replacement?