Wet shavers?

Yes I do and I really prefer wet shaving. I'm so used to it now that it hardly takes more time than dry shaving. And the result is much better. Only trouble is to reach a few hairs right under the nose. For that I prefer a two-bladed gillette.

Edit: what's so terrible about a Mach3?
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Only trouble is to reach a few hairs right under the nose. For that I prefer a two-bladed gillette.

The Gillette Fusion Power has a single blade on the reverse side just for that purpose. Seems they call it a "Precision trimmer".

I will admit though that the only reason I bought it is..... cuz is uses a battery. :eek: :laughing:
But...., but...., that's crazy talk!

Battery...., uuhhmmm, battery...,, battery good.

The non battery version is no doubt fine though for anyone (unlike me) not borderline obsessed with getting everything in the house running on eneloops. lovecpf
I couldn't get excited about honing and stropping so I use a Feather straight razor with the Super Pro blades. When I don't use the Feather straight I use a Merkur slant head with a Feather double edge blade.

I love Proraso cream and the badger brush. Definitely worth the extra time!
Hmmmm.....I have found the Mach3 to be the best safety razor available. I have tries a straight razor but it took to long. The mach 3 is a real time saver and shaves as close as a straight without the possibility of suicide...
I find the whole area of men's shaving tools utterly fascinating to watch the evolution of products.

From hand-stropped straight blades, to a long line of disposables.....single edge safety blades, double sided blades, then the plastic single, double, triple, quadruple, quintuple "disposables." Then there was a variety of rubber ridges to stretch the skin before cutting, a diversity of glide edges that change color when they want you to throw it away, and the pièce de résistance--a double AA battery vibrator.

Similar progressions in electric razors.

If you are in the engineering department at Schick or Gillette, besides adding an LED, what else can they come up with?
It can take monthes to get a perfect shave. Most people today will never take the time to learn, but those that do will treasure the experience most every time. In todays busy world, it's just nice to slow down and enjoy a nice irritation free shave. BTW, you can get a closer shave with a straight.
I couldn't get excited about honing and stropping so I use a Feather straight razor with the Super Pro blades. When I don't use the Feather straight I use a Merkur slant head with a Feather double edge blade.

I love Proraso cream and the badger brush. Definitely worth the extra time!
Honing kicked my butt for the first 6 months. I had one razor that I practiced with, and one honed by Lynn Abrams @ Straight Razor Place. I reacently purchased a sample pack of Truefitt & Hill creams, and I love it.
I shave my entire head daily, therefore I hate shaving. I use an electric (Braun) but like some others I have a blade (Fusion with power) for those times when I go several days without shaving.
The Gillette Fusion Power has a single blade on the reverse side just for that purpose. Seems they call it a "Precision trimmer".

I will admit though that the only reason I bought it is..... cuz is uses a battery. :eek: :laughing:
Isn't someone going to post something about how they've modded it? New high power batteries and an XP-G?

Do they make a titanium version?
Someone around here on CPF already put a lithium-ion in one.
It buzzed louder, vibrated harder, and killed him during a test shave.

But on a positive note his girlfriend loved it. :laughing:

OK I made up the death part..............:D
My idea of a good wet shaver is a waterproof Panasonic electric shaver, with some Gillette gel in the shower. My face comes out feeling like a baby's skin.
My idea of a good wet shaver is a waterproof Panasonic electric shaver, with some Gillette gel in the shower. My face comes out feeling like a baby's skin.

I also had one of the Panasonics, loved it day 1, hated it day 60. For my experience it had a much better cutting edge from the start which resulted in a better shave, but the dropoff was so significant that at 30-60 days the shave was comparable to a Braun at 12-18 months. I know I go through blades/cutters 2x as fast as most because I have 2-3x the surface area to cut, but I was really expecting at least 6 months to pass before reaching that kind of performance. Did you have any similar experience or am I the odd man out?
I never take the time to shave. So that I always prefer dry shaving. :sick: and put the shave on my car, only with little time to complete the charge as well as shave.I think car electric shaver is very convenient for me. I'm not a fullbearded man.

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