What 2xAA lights have the best beam patterns?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2008
I guess best is really a relative term, but I am really interested in lights that have nice smooth beam patterns and preferably good flood, I don't really need lights with that much throw. I also really like the 2xAA format. What lights would you guys recommend?
Also what aaa keychain lights have the best beam patterns? I love my lod, but sometimes I confess I wish it were a bit less ringy.
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Try the new EagleTac P10A2, you got throw, spill, good beam pattern.

I haven't order my P10A2 yet, but my P10C shares the same head as the P10A2, and it works like a charm.

Copy and paste from flashlight review

....Beam profile is nice, both hotspot and spill beam are smooth with no major artifacts other than the slight dark ring around the hotspot. This is common among most XR-E based lights. However the dark ring here isn't as bad as I've seen in some others. Right outside the hotspot is a medium sized corona which transitions into the spill beam. I noticed that the corona is slightly brighter than the other P-series models reviewed so far....


I don't work for the hound :crackup:
Could be nice. Any beamshots available? Any other suggestions?
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I know this isn't the popular choice but I have a minimag with a terralux 1w dropin.
It puts out an estimated 40 lumens and is all flood.It's my beater and lend out light for when I go camping.Batteries last along time too!
Yeah that is not quite as much light as I am looking for but not a bad suggestion, I have been thinking alot about making my next light a c or a d mag with a terralux dropin. I know the dropins are nice and floody, but what are the beam patterns like?
Yesterday night out of curiosity I put on my Fenix E20 the Surefire beam diffuser F04 that sits normally on my Backup. Apart from a perfect fit the result on the beam was terrific. The diffuser changes the beam from throwy and ringy to a wide smooth spill that lights up a significant area. Tested from the top floor of my house towards the dark garden the result was really impressive up to a distance of about 20 m.

Highly recommended. :thumbsup:
I have an e20 and actually love it, even without a diffuser on flood it has a beautiful beam. I am just interested in what else there is, I mean its a fairly cheap light, there has to be other great lights out there, and this is a popular format even though everything seems to be moving towards cr123's. I also would mind something a bit brighter for certain occasions
The Fenix L2D (180 lumen cree version) is an absolutely superb
2AA power supply regulated flashlight that delivers a nice
strong medium sized smooth spot even with common rechargeable batteries.
I doubt one can find a better 2AA flashlight that can perform as good
as this light for the price.

I may buy a second one because it's so good.
The only flaw this light has is its power supply
may get destroyed if the batteries are installed backwards.
I've never done this, only read about it, so be careful.

As for key chain flashlights, I don't have any(yet), just a photon fob
that has lasted for years and to this day. Fenix has some theoretically
impressive offerings for tiny AAA powered flashlights as well. I may get
one of those when the photon fob stops working.

I guess best is really a relative term, but I am really interested in lights that have nice smooth beam patterns and preferably good flood, I don't really need lights with that much throw. I also really like the 2xAA format. What lights would you guys recommend?
Also what aaa keychain lights have the best beam patterns? I love my lod, but sometimes I confess I wish it were a bit less ringy.
L2D Premium is gonna be hard to beat for a smooth, more floody beam along with it's runtime and regulation.