What an idiot!

If it get's closed, oh well.
I just wanted to point out that I am seeing this type of thing being reported in the news (lasers being pointed at aircraft/cars/buildings/etc) more and more as people without a thought in their head are able to get their hands on cheap(er) lasers and do obviously stupid things with them.
Yes you're right. And NO good can come of it. I"m not a laser person but I can understand the enthusiasm. It would be bad to see more regulation and the like caused by peoples' thoughtlesness.
I live about 5 minutes away from where this happened. It's kind of odd since I was in that same exact area the other day and someone was shining a pointer in my car.. although it only looked like a 5mw red. My friend saw it in the paper and she thought of me when she read it (even though I would NEVER shine a laser at a plane).
I agree that he was an idiot and should be prosecuted. However I think the phrase "discharging a laser" seems to be deliberately crafter to make it sound as if it's the equivalent of a gun or a rifle. To this end, it's only going to feed the hysteria over handheld laser pointers.
Orange County seems to be becoming the Capital of such idiocy!


Yep, I just saw that too.
Funny how the title said he was arrested for a laser ATTACK. How many did he kill on his laser attack rampage? The title of the this almost sounds like he had a gun and killed people. I know what he did was stupid and he needs to be prosecuted but the media is trying to drive regular people into a frenzy over all these 'deadly' lasers.
Pointing from far away

That makes me wonder, is seems possible for a higher-power, like 300mW green laser to hit something that is too far away to see. If the police helicopter were about 5-10 miles away at night, and you were just using your laser outdoors, isn't there that chance?

Anyway, let's not forget how difficult it would be to hold the laser steady, especially where the beam would be going over 5-10 miles away. Probably would jitter around 100-feet.

Assuming it's 0.9mRad divergence, which is excellent from what I hear for green, at five miles, the dot size would be over 23 feet, according to: http://www.pseudonomen.com/lasers/calculators/diameterCalculator.html

I think if the aircraft was too far away to actually see and hear, it would take quite a bit of effort to point it directly.

So can I rest easier using my laser outdoors for business use, by using common sense?
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Rescue signaling lasers project a line, not a point, since it's not practical to hit an airplane with a narrow laser beam. One sweeps the rescue laser's beam across the airplane path so they see a green flash, and even that's not easy.

The airplane is moving too. Even if you manage to hit it, and hit a window, it will be moving so fast I'd expect a few milliseconds illumination at most before the airplane window is out of the beam.

Most reports of laser targeting by airplane pilots are probably bogus - these guys report flying saucers from time to time too, and it's not likely that any of them actually know what a laser strike would look like. On the flip side, given the difficulty of actually hitting an airplane, the few real reports mean there are a *lot* of attempts - very disturbing.

A helicopter that is hovering low is much more realistic to hit. But unless that helicopter is landing or taking off, why is it low? They are noisy and annoy the entire neighborhood. And hovering is not a safe manuvoer in a helicopter anyway. Whenever I hear of a helicopter being hit I think the dude shining the laser needs some time in the Big House, but I also wonder if that helicopter was way too low, trying to hover (a no-no) - the pilot has some explaining to do too.
I'm watching the news right now.. The guy who got arrested in Huntington Beach said he hit the helicopter by mistake.. I think they are over exaggerating how powerful it was.. He was using a <5mw red laser. Still, shooting any laser at a helicopter is stupid.
Yeah, that irks me too. How is a laser beam going to magnify on a plexiglass window? It would more likely disperse. And they flew five miles into the light. Was he pointing it at them for a few minutes? I don't know how he held it steady for that long.

Definately some hype. Reading that the red laser caused "burning" is just nuts.

Anyway, I was looking a bit on Texas law regarding this: http://penalcode.austintexascriminaldefense.com/42.13.html

I am not clear on if just shining a laser outdoors is a felony if it's only in the sky with no aircraft around.
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