What charger to use with 18650?


Aug 24, 2008
Munfordville, KY
I have been looking at a dbs v2 and it seems like the way to go is 18650 with the q5 pill, but i dont have any 18650s yet, i will get aw batts but i dont know where to get a charger, preferably 2 slot but not neccisary....any help???
Save yourself any potential headaches and get the Pila mentioned above.
Pila IBC is an excellent charger. Recommended to me by one of the Moderators on this website (DM51). Can't go wrong with it.
I can strongly recommend both

the Pila IBC charger,

-AND -


I have 2 of these
It is cheap and it has worked fine for me. Pick up a cheap nokia cell charger and it will charge in the car to.

Do NOT waste your money on this one. I have it and rarely used it, but it stopped working right; the LED indicator was going crazy and the worst thing was that the outlet came apart when I tried to disconnect it from the wall socket. I threw it out.