There are quite a few "serial number registry" threads here, and many collectible/valuable lights have serial numbers. What I'm wondering is, what is the significance of the numbers themselves? Let's get this information together so that people can understand what their SN means.
I know this will vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer, and even between products, but I'd like to compile a "registry" of how each company formats their serials.
For instance, some manufacturers will start or end their SNs with a letter, number, or date code. Sometimes they count up, but start at 10001 instead of 00001, for instance. Is my 6PD with SN A293738 the 293,738th 6PD made? 6P? P series? What does the A represent?
If you are a builder/manufacturer, can you shed some light on how you format your SNs? Where do you start? Do you serialize prototypes? For collectors, have you noticed any patterns in lights? Maybe this information will help us collectors tell when or where their particular light was made.
I know this will vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer, and even between products, but I'd like to compile a "registry" of how each company formats their serials.
For instance, some manufacturers will start or end their SNs with a letter, number, or date code. Sometimes they count up, but start at 10001 instead of 00001, for instance. Is my 6PD with SN A293738 the 293,738th 6PD made? 6P? P series? What does the A represent?
If you are a builder/manufacturer, can you shed some light on how you format your SNs? Where do you start? Do you serialize prototypes? For collectors, have you noticed any patterns in lights? Maybe this information will help us collectors tell when or where their particular light was made.