What emitter in Streamlight Microstream??


Oct 11, 2006
I've had my Microstream for several weeks now and am impressed with the driver/emitter package! It seems to equal my LOD Q4 (which I LOVE), on it's medium setting, in brightness and even surpass it on runtime using alkaline batt's. My NiMH's are old and weak so I cannot compare the lights with them but the regulation of the MS is relly nice for a $15 light. Mine ran for 2:20 with the supplied Panasonic alk and that was after a week of playing with it. It dimmed just a bit during the run but up until the last minute I'd say that it was still at 70% and then it dropped steeply for a minute and turned off. Still, this seems to be a pretty efficient package to compete with a Cree Q4/Fenix LOD driver (on medium) so well. Does anyone know what emitter this light is using?

For the record, I did test the light with my 2 year old 750 mah NiMH's and it STILL ran for 1:58 before it shutdown.
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I've been wondering the same thing, but I haven't read anywhere what type of emitter is being used.

StreamLight describes it as a "super-bright 1/2 watt, 30,000 hour high flux LED". But no manufacturer ID.

I own both the MicroStream and the LOD Q4 and agree with your conclusions comparing the two. Both are great lights!
Looks like this.

Just noticed this in a post about SL Microstream and Stylus Pro water resistance:


Post #18 quotes an email from Streamlight that says the MS and SP use a .5 watt emitter from Seoul Semiconductor. I love my MS but would have never guessed that it had some Seoul! :twothumbs

Hey, thanks for the info! And thanks Mag317 for sharing!

That link to the email from the StreamLight Product Manager definitely clears a couple things up... ( I like his comments about the shower test. ;))

Namely, that the emitter is in fact a Seoul .5 watt chosen from 6 different bins.

And that the MicroStream and StylusPro are rated at the IPX4 level, meaning they are at least splash proof.

I have one of these 2 lights with me all the time, depending on circumstances, loaded with L92s or NiMH.

The sturdy, bezel-down pocket clips just sweeten the deal. :thumbsup: