Dunking? Splash? Anyone?
TigerhawkT3 said:The head is entirely sealed and there are double O-rings at the tail, so I would guess that it's pretty water-resistant. However, I'm not going to drop mine in the drink to test it for you! :lolsign:
Mudd Magnet said:lol the led comes out as a modual so no worries abought it getting wrecked while testing If it passes under a foot of water then I'll find a larger container and try with a couple feet if I have a suitable container that is.
What is the standard test procedure on here? I'll put a couple of my other lights threw the same test and what should I use to lube the o-rings up petrolium jelly be ok? thanks
TigerhawkT3 said:BTW, I got my D-Mini direct from Ricky in the Manufacturer forum. If you want to buy straight from Lumapower, I very highly recommend it.
Mudd Magnet said:ok it's out of the tank now time is 12:50 am. Time in 50 minutes, Results are pretty good. The clicky switch cover has not leaked nor have the bottom threads of the battery compartment leaked. The double o-rings worked as designed there was a small bead of water between the two but I think it is from me unscrewing it. The disapointing part is the head only has one o-ring on it and it has not done a acceptable job keeping water out. While there is no water inside the light their was beads of water up the threads of the head I am hoping this is from me unscrewing it and not water seeping past the o-ring, I would need to test longer to find out. Ricky if you are listening would you consider adding a extra o-ring to the head of this light? I think it seems fit as there are two on the bottom and yet only one on the top.
Right now I would be fine with this light in the rain and the occasional dunk. we need more test's to find out if the single o-ring is going to be a problem for more extensive use in water.
Might not be the best idea near and during the Chinese Lunar New Year. Besides: BatteryJunction is relatively local, his prices are competitive with direct-from-LP prices and, from what I've been reading, Matt takes good care of his customers. I'd have no qualms about ordering directly from LP, but, with a competitive "local" source available: I think that's the way I'd go.TigerhawkT3 said:If you want to buy straight from Lumapower, I very highly recommend it.