What is a good EDC for my purposes and budget?


Jun 19, 2009
Hi everyone,

First off, sorry if this is not the proper area to post this, I didn't see any newbie-specific forum sections.

OK well, I am looking to buy my first "nice" flashlight, an EDC, something that will be versatile. So far, I have been looking at the Fenix LD10 and LD20, or the Nitecore D10. I'm not sure if these are appropriate for my needs though.

Here are my criteria:
-Budget: <$60 shipped
-Variable output/levels
-Compatible with NiHM batteries (Edit, but I am open to Li-Ion as well, I just know less about it and don't have a charger already)

Here are my intended uses:
-Indoor nighttime use, for when poking around a darkroom needs more than my cellphone for once
-For use at work, nothing critical, but I'd like to use it for closing time, when most of the ceiling lights will be extinguised
-For walking to the parking lot from work. Lighting is OK, but I would feel better with something for myself to check out the shadows.
-Potential to blind an ememy, if the situation calls for it.
-EDIT: For general night use at college, mainly downtown where lighting is not as good.

Extras that would be nice, but not nessesary:
-Clip or optional clip
-SOS signaling

To finish off, I know these kinds of newbie threads get old, but I wanted some personal help beyond my researching for the right light for me. I appreciate the help. And YES I have been reading stickies!
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1aa is much nicer to carry in your pocket. 2aa models become akwardly long to carry. (in my mind) 2aa works fine if you are not going to carry it in your pocket all day. 2aa has better runtimes too. and i think that they are more comfortable to hold. but mostly i have 1aa lights because i carry mine in my pocket. but i do use longer lights when "around the house" taking trash etc. or taking dog for awalk. or doing something for longer time than few minutes at a time.

fenix ld10 is not a bad choice. good reputation and quality. but if i recall right it dont hav a pocket clip.

but i would also advice you to look at the 4sevens quark series. its a bit like fenix but with some small useful changes. and the pocket clip is reversable. so you can carry it bezel up or down. (bezel up allows you to clip it on something like baseball cap as "headlamp") *i think i must buy one myself too.. one of those warm tint ones when they come available.. warm tint is more like incan light in color rendition but the normal versions color output seems very nice as is)

both have sos mode built in if you need it.

and one more to think.. itp c7 it has sos, strobe and adjustable output, from low to high and everything in between by loosening the head. turn it slightly loose and the light starts to ramp up or down and then you can tighten the head for the "right" amount. (its also a lot cheaper than others but no pocket clip.)

but my main advice would currently be the quark aa. to me it sounds like its just fenix tweaked better :)
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-For walking to the parking lot from work. Lighting is OK, but I would feel better with something for myself to check out the shadows.
-Potential to blind an ememy, if the situation calls for it.

These two requirements suggest to me you'd probably be happier with a light that has a bit more output and throw than can be achieved with 1xAA. What size is acceptable for you as EDC and how do you want to carry it? Any reason you don't want to go with li-on power source?
Thanks very much NonSence. I'll look those up.

EDIT: Nice, I like the various levels and options of the Quark series, and a 10 YEAR warranty?! :faint:

These two requirements suggest to me you'd probably be happier with a light that has a bit more output and throw than can be achieved with 1xAA. What size is acceptable for you as EDC and how do you want to carry it? Any reason you don't want to go with li-on power source?

At work and around the house, I can see myself pocket-carrying or clip carrying, and potentially holster. At work, light weight would be a must as I do a lot of running and I don't need heavy things banging against me. I would imagine 1xAA would be better for that case.

When I go back to college, a larger size would be OK, as I would be with a backpack most of the time, or in cold clothing with more space. I haven't looked into any lights larger than 2xAA, but I'm open to the possibility, and research for info purposes.

Also, I am open to Li-ion power, but I already have a NiHM charger, so I was hoping to save some money. I also read Li-ion is more restrictive with how it needs to be charged. I just thought NiHM would be good for starters, but I guess I am open to Li-ion too. Thanks for your help!
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In that case the Quark 1xAA makes sense. When you have the cash, spring for some 14500 li-on batteries and a decent charger to feed it as it has nearly double the output when run on li-ons compared to nimh batteries. Or alternatively you can pick up a 2xAA body tube and swap it in and out depending on whether you want increased output or smaller size.
oh i forgot totally to mention:

the itp c7 can be "legoed" into c8 tube (2aa) - i bought c8 first and just few weeks ago got myself the 1aa/c7 body too.

ld10 can be legoed to ld20 with spare 2aa body.

and if i remember right so can quark aa and quark 2aa tubes can be swapped too and use same head and tailcap!

so if you actually sometimes need to have 2aa light you can change the body of the flashlight and add one battery. (spare bodies are something like 10-20 dollars extra) -its late and i forgot to add these selling points to you!

for normal people i always try to suggest something simple like aa primary lights as if you do run out of batteries, they can be bought easily pretty much everywhere.

li.ions need more attention. but for beginner nimh is better way to start in my mind.

-i jumped in straight to li ion.. but now i have mostly reverted into 1AA as my everyday carry pocket lights, some have li.ion version of AA in them but most run on nimhs)

quarks have great guarantee.. and so do fenixes if they are bought from same place (47s.) also remember to look for cpf user discount code. cpf8 gives you 8% off!
Oh gosh lol, thanks guys, just reading your last two posts got me so excited! That's SO cool that you can interchange the bodies! That has to be so useful.

I'll keep looking at both the ITP C7 and Quark series. Thanks a ton for the guidance, as well as the quick responses!
Since you mentioned Li Ion, the ITP C9 is a very nice rounded design with all the aspects you mentioned. Here's the review. As others have mentioned the head of the C9 can also be mated to the C7 (singleAA) and the C8 (double AA) bodies.

It's selling for around $40 presently several places, but I like the customer service that Bryan at Shiningbeam.com gives you. (plus the cheap shipping)

Hi everyone,

First off, sorry if this is not the proper area to post this, I didn't see any newbie-specific forum sections.

OK well, I am looking to buy my first "nice" flashlight, an EDC, something that will be versatile. So far, I have been looking at the Fenix LD10 and LD20, or the Nitecore D10. I'm not sure if these are appropriate for my needs though.

Here are my criteria:
-Budget: <$60 shipped
-Variable output/levels
-Compatible with NiHM batteries (Edit, but I am open to Li-Ion as well, I just know less about it and don't have a charger already)

Here are my intended uses:
-Indoor nighttime use, for when poking around a darkroom needs more than my cellphone for once
-For use at work, nothing critical, but I'd like to use it for closing time, when most of the ceiling lights will be extinguised
-For walking to the parking lot from work. Lighting is OK, but I would feel better with something for myself to check out the shadows.
-Potential to blind an ememy, if the situation calls for it.
-EDIT: For general night use at college, mainly downtown where lighting is not as good.

Extras that would be nice, but not nessesary:
-Clip or optional clip
-SOS signaling

To finish off, I know these kinds of newbie threads get old, but I wanted some personal help beyond my researching for the right light for me. I appreciate the help. And YES I have been reading stickies!

I'd take a look at the new Jet I Pro IBS v3.0 that is supposed to be released pretty soon, apparently regulation is 30% better which means its time to sell my Jet I Pro IBS v2.0 and upgrade !! :D

The Jetbeams are very versatile due to their Infinite Brightness Setting (IBS) User Interface (UI), it has 3 modes and you can individually program each mode to the brightness setting of your choice or strobe of your frequency preference, and even SOS.

The light runs really well of 14500s but is pretty bright using eneloop AAs as well (i use both), storage of spare cells is a breeze with these and they're cheap too
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I would go with the 1xAA for sure if your gonna EDC it. The 2xAA are fairly long.

I would suggest the Fenix LD10 or Quark AA since your gonna be changing modes alot. Those preset modes are fast and easy to access.

The deciding factor may be how you plan on carry it. if you plan to carry it in the holster I would choose the LD10 just because I still like Fenix better right now, but if you wanna use a clip to your pocket go with the Quark AA. Also consider the Quark has a low-low at .2 lumens so that will be either something you want or don't. If you don't it will just be one more mode you have to click through to get to a higher output.

This of course is just one man's opinion I hope you get enough info from us all so you can make an well informed decision at the least.
If you are willing to get some Li-ion batteries, the Fenix LD01 from 4sevens.com is very bright and very small. It uses AAA size batteries. With 10440 Li Ion batteries, it's quite a bit brighter than any AA light using NiMh. Another nice feature is that you can hook it to your keychain so you're sure to always have it with you.

It has multiple levels and will also run on NiMh.

Use code CPF8 to get an 8% discount.
Two lights immediately come to mind. Check out the Proton Pro for a 1 AA light. I think it meets your criteria. Not sure of the current best price, but maybe around $50. If you can go as high as $65 the new LiteFlux LF2XT is a sweet little 1 AAA that might be right in a smaller package.

Thanks again everyone for the various recommendations. I'll keep looking up each one, and figure out what I want.

As for Li-Ion batteries, I'm confused as hell, what is the best place to buy batteries and chargers?

I think I may stick with NiHM for now, but I can't find my charger yet so Li-Ion might be an idea.

Two lights immediately come to mind. Check out the Proton Pro for a 1 AA light. I think it meets your criteria. Not sure of the current best price, but maybe around $50. If you can go as high as $65 the new LiteFlux LF2XT is a sweet little 1 AAA that might be right in a smaller package.


I'm confused, why don't they state the LF2XT's light's maximum output in the specs?
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If you are going to EDC it in your pocket a 2AA (e.g. ld20) would be a bit big. AA size is good. I have the fenix L1d (predecessor to the ld10) which I find is a good size. however I find the brightness on NiMH batteries, unsatisfying. The L1D/LD10 is not meant to run on li-ion 14500 rechargeables, doing so you will lose the lower modes.

Ones I would consider include:
Nitecore d10
Quark AA
Liteflux LF5XT
Nitecore defender infinity

If you don't mind it being slightly more thicker, the 'jet 1 pro v3' and the ITP are another option (as others have mentioned).

If your are looking at something cheaper on a budget, a lot of people swear by the akoray AA (106), it has a similar interface to the jetbeam and the ITP.
Thanks Hazna, I'll take a look at that.

Yeah, I emailed 4Sevens and they said that the Quark AA won't accept Li-Ions. Hmm, so maybe that won't have the flexibility with batteries I thought they did.
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Another I should also have mentioned that seems to be a good all round light is the new NiteCore EZAA. Great size and two useful levels.

Thanks Hazna, I'll take a look at that.

Yeah, I emailed 4Sevens and they said that the Quark AA won't accept Li-Ions. Hmm, so maybe that won't have the flexibility with batteries I thought they did.

There must have been some misunderstanding. The Quark AA will work with Li-Ions. The only configuration that won't work with Li-Ions i can think of is the Quark AA^2 with two 14500s (unless you change the head in it).

If you are interested in the Quarks or the Jet-I v3 I'd recommend you to wait one or two more weeks. After that time, I hope, full reviews of them should be available.

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