What is recomended?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2010
Hi CPF guys, girls and flashaholics,

This is my first post on this forum, :wave: i have been looking around and reading lots the past few weeks and have joined to hopefully get the answers im looking for. :popcorn:

Im after a flashlight that is really bright and has really good throw.
I currently own a led lenser P7 (200lm) and a jetbeam raptor rrt-1 (240lm)
These 2 flashlights have been great, the rrt-1 has great throw for it's size and the P7 is a great little flashlight that i take just about everywhere but im after something with stronger throw and higher lumen output.

I've been looking at the Fenix tk-40, the jetbeam M2S, the jetbeam rrt-3.
Is there any brighter lights avalible on the market in the same price range ($300usd max). I live in Sydney Australia, if theirs a shop in Sydney with good flashlights forsale, i'd love to hear about it.
The 4 main factors im looking at are:
4.adjustable/focusable beam (would be nice but not really important)

The UI dosn't really bother me, i would like something with a strobe if possible.
Im basicly after something with the biggest wow factor with the cannon style body/housing.

Thanks in advance
Think the SR90 would suit your requirements, but it exceeds your budget. Other than that, I can't think of any, unless its custom.

BTW, :welcome:
Hi there and :welcome:

If you do end up choosing the TK40 you can get them from www.ledtorches.com.au, you get free delivery australia wide and thats where i got my first light a TK10 (my second light was an eveready dolphin that i bought from bunnings :thumbsup:)
You can consider Thrunite's Catapult or Wolf Eyes Pilot Whale ( slightly off your budget ) if you dun mind it being rated lower than the RRT-3 in lumens.
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Jetbeam rrt3 is really a great target and seemed fiting most to your criteria 1~3 except 10% over your budget
If you don't mind incan, a ROP mod maglite would fit your requirements very well. I really enjoy mine. Over 700 lm, great throw, and a cammed reflector will allow for focusing if you want. You can put one together for probably around a hundred dollars. I think it's a great mod for everyone to have. Several excellent threads on it in the incan section.
Think the SR90 would suit your requirements, but it exceeds your budget. Other than that, I can't think of any, unless its custom.

BTW, :welcome:

Yes i have seen the 0light SR90 and i must say i was impressed with it's build quality and throw. A little big for my liking but it's out put puts this light high on my list.

Hi there and :welcome:

If you do end up choosing the TK40 you can get them from www.ledtorches.com.au, you get free delivery australia wide and thats where i got my first light a TK10 (my second light was an eveready dolphin that i bought from bunnings :thumbsup:)
Thanks for the link mate, good price but sold out of the tk-40's, why was your 2nd light a dolphin, did you realize something :shrug: I own a V5 dolphin, it's a great cheap light.

If you don't mind incan, a ROP mod maglite would fit your requirements very well. I really enjoy mine. Over 700 lm, great throw, and a cammed reflector will allow for focusing if you want. You can put one together for probably around a hundred dollars. I think it's a great mod for everyone to have. Several excellent threads on it in the incan section.

Intresting, the mag light modded sounds like a path i would like to walk down can you please tell me more about this mod (or link me to more info).
How is it in terms of throw? Would it out throw my 240lm raptor rrt-1?
I don't own any mag lights and have been thinking about buying one just to mod to the best of my ability.

Thanks all for your great opinions in helping me choose a light! :thumbsup:
Hi there, I forgot I was going to give you some ROP links. Here are a few that I had noted to get you started:

ROP Building
More ROP questions

Basically, the most popular setup is a 2D maglite with the Pelican 3854 HI bulb, 6 AA rechargeable batteries (like Eneloop nihm), a metal reflector and a glass lens. It's a pretty simple plug and play operation and you get a sweet light out of it.

There are many variations on it though, depending on what you want as far as batteries and host go. But you always have the Pelican bulb, that's why it's the Roar of the Pelican.

There is tons more info on ROPs and other mag mods in the incan section if you so desire. If you have more questions, just ask. Hope that helps! :thumbsup:
Just letting you know that even with our weak Australian dollar at the moment, getting a TK40 from 4Sevens is still cheaper (free shipping worldwide) Don't forget to use 'CPF8' code at checkout to save even more money!

Or, you can go for the Mac's custom SST-50 EDC, which produces heaps of light. Currently going for $199 US (aluminium), plus $30 US for the clip plus $35 US for shipping, should be near the $300 figure or maybe a lil over.

Check it out in the custom's section if you're interested. ** WARNING ** Be prepared to wait a long time for it though.