What is the best AA light TODAY for blackouts/power outages (Under $15.00)


Newly Enlightened
May 22, 2006
I'd like to get several blackout / poweroutage lights to have on hand. Since I'm going to buy 3 or 4 of them I'd like it if each was under $15.00. AA hopefully since its much cheaper to run 3-4 lights at once and not worry about leaving them on for a few hours instead of using CR123's. (I do keep a stash of about 25 CR123's around for my 1 cell lights but still)

Tailstanding would be a plus so I can put a film canister or something over it to help light up an area.

Anything worth looking at at Walmart/Kmart now? We dont have a target here and shipping will prob make each light over 20+ each.....

I see a few threads about blackouts and power outages but lots of them are talking about river rock/dorcy lights which seem to be from 2005-2006. Anything more current that I will still be able to find?

I'm willing to entertain other thoughts as well.
The rc-n3 is a pretty great light for 17.50 plus free shipping from dealextreme. There is the rc-g3 I think which is a 1xaa version which is cheaper too. I think romisen makes pretty great cheap lights tho. What is more important to you though runtime or brightness? The romisen's have decent runtimes but are more concerned with brightness IMHO.
As far as I know, the Gerber Infinity Ultra is still the 1AA runtime king at 100 hours. A recent runtime test by a CPF member said at 100 hours it was very dim but still produced enough light to be able to read with. Not the latest and greatest but nice to have for power outages. When tailstanding on a table or door jamb to bounce off the ceiling, it will light a dark room very well. You can find them online for around $15.
As far as I know, the Gerber Infinity Ultra is still the 1AA runtime king at 100 hours. A recent runtime test by a CPF member said at 100 hours it was very dim but still produced enough light to be able to read with. Not the latest and greatest but nice to have for power outages. When tailstanding on a table or door jamb to bounce off the ceiling, it will light a dark room very well. You can find them online for around $15.

+1. Load it with L91's and forget about them. In a pinch, they can even run on AAA cells.
I was just looking at my somewhat large collection of AA lights, and you have a rather sticky problem.

Not one of mine except the Fenix L1 or P2 will tail stand.

Most of the cheaper DX lights are about brightness and not run time. There are some "new" coleman lights at walmart but again they are one mode Cree and about bright more than the other.

This one: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.1890 might be decent as some of the comments in the review are "decently bright"
+1. Load it with L91's and forget about them. In a pinch, they can even run on AAA cells.

As I recall, the CPF member originally complained that he only got about 16 hours runtime from the GIU on lithiums, and thought the 100 hour claim was bogus, which is why he then ran the runtime test with alkalines. He got 100 hours using alkalines but not lithiums.
+1. Load it with L91's and forget about them. In a pinch, they can even run on AAA cells.

I agree that the Infinity Ultra is a great choice. Load them with L91's as Marduke said, but have some alkalines packed along with it. The Lithium L91's store longer, but reduce the runtime of the light drastically compared to Alkaline.
Above mentioned coleman and made me think to check the coleman family store, so how about this guy?
2xAA, claims 55 lumens, 6 hour battery life for 11.50. Seems pretty decent to me.
Just make sure you go to the family store with the password family to cut it from 17.99 to 11.50.
I'd guess the lumens rating is reasonably accurate if it does in fact use a cree as it claims.
The Gerber Infinity I have has a slanted tailcap, thus no tailstanding. Just be careful on which model you buy if you go for it. On the plus side, I have one in my car (with a red LED) for night driving/direction reading purposes - yes it's a bit dangerous, but with 8+ years driving an ambulance, I'm pretty confident in my ability to multitask.
I agree that the Infinity Ultra is a great choice. Load them with L91's as Marduke said, but have some alkalines packed along with it. The Lithium L91's store longer, but reduce the runtime of the light drastically compared to Alkaline.

that's amazing. I always assumed otherwise.
The advantage to a light that runs on AA's is the small convenient size, for which you generally trade run time. If I understand your question you are looking for a light that can be left around the house for power failure and run time is important to you. I would think the best light would be a 2 or 3 D cell light. The D form factor isn't as convenient, but offers loads more run time and since this will just be stuck in a drawer or cabinet, the bulky size shouldn't be too much of a drawback.

You may want to reconsider your original parameters.
The Romisen RC-I3 has a longer runtime than the RC-G2 (about three hours in either single or double AA configuration), and is a bit over $15 (includes shipping) at dx. I just ordered one a few days ago to see if they're as good a deal as they sound. If I don't like it... it'll be a Christmas present for someone. If I do like it, I'll have to buy several more.

As far as tailstanding, even those designed to tailstand aren't too stable, especially 2AA ones, I mean. What I do is stick the light in a candleholder. Some candleholders fit something like an L2D Fenix very well, others might need some paper stuffed beside the light to keep it pointing straight up. Candleholder works well for me, though, especially the ones that hold the light a little higher (like a brass candleholder). We have lots and lots of candleholders around the house, and never use them with candles these days because we have a toddler now. I also like to use the L1D holster hooked on a nail on the wall, with the head of the light sticking up. Decent reading light/bright night light with the L1D on low.
GPB makes a good point. I don't know about Wal-Mart/K-Mart, but I have been eyeing the 2D LED lights at Target. Very inexpensive, very long runtime. Would love to find a cheap 1D LED...
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If you're talking strictly about lights for power outages, i dont think you could go wrong with the Fenix E01. Runs on 1 x AAA, 10 hours sun mode, 11 hours moon mode for a total of 21 hours continuous runtime on 1 x AAA.

The light provides 10 lumens, which doesnt sound like much but is a LOT when used in pitch darkness (try it in a enclosed dark area and you will see) and it can also tail stand.

YOu can also do a simple diffuser mod as per here : http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=204494

Costwise its right up your alley $15 including shipping from dealextreme, 4sevens and perhaps a host of other stores. I have one on my keychain and its sure as heck going to stay there.

IMHO, when its pitch black (no pun intended to push the movie of the same name) u dont need blinding lumen levels, you just need to see.
The most used lights in H. Ike that I used that is on me is the EO1.
I change battery once in over 5 days of no power.
Well under $15

No doubt - MiniMag with something like NiteIze or better yet Super MJ LED upgrade


I tried several lites for EDC:

Fenix L2D-CE (failed on me several times)

Some DX lite (Nuwai)

Surefire 9P with Malkoff

Cmg Infinity (Gerber) -- great lite but too dim.

But I am coming back full circle to the lite that started it all - the MiniMag.

Why? It's small in 2xAA. Reliable. Good quality. I like twistie, won't cut on in my pocket.

I need great runtime. For a wall of light and 240 lumens, I can always get the Malkoff but it may not always be the best choice for that circumstance. SAve it until you really need it.
Just in general, if this is an emergency light you may also want to look into buying some rare earth magnets and tritium to bling out whichever light you get. Very handy for any emergency light.
I would use a minimag with a smjled.In your price range,bright enough for emergencies,and long runtime.

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