What is this stuff on my X990 reflector?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 5, 2003
The crazy guy next door
My poor X990 has lived a hard life. I smashed the lens a while ago and killed both my batteries. :mecry: I'm trying to restore it to it's former glory. For some reason the reflector has a discolored spot on it, and I have no idea why. (this happened before the lens broke) It's kind of hard to see in the pic, but it looks almost burned.

My questions are, why did that happen, and how can I clean it up? I haven't touched the reflector yet because I'm afraid of making it worse...is it ok to try washing it with something like windex? What is the reflector made out of, anyway? Polished aluminum?

Man, what were you doing to that poor thing? LOL, it could certainly do with some attention.

The spot, whatever it is, is probably a particle of something that has got in through the crack in the lens and then been baked hard onto the reflector by the heat of the bulb. Could be a bug, lol. Whatever it is, you're unlikely to get it off without scratching up the reflector even worse. You'll probably need a new reflector anyway, as other bits of dust, grime etc will have got in there too.

Edit: Re-read your post - spot there before broken lens - could it have happened when the batt failed?
Edit: Re-read your post - spot there before broken lens - could it have happened when the batt failed?
No...the batts still work...kinda...for about 3 minutes. No big flash or anything like that...

Man, what were you doing to that poor thing? LOL, it could certainly do with some attention.
Actually I wasn't that rough with it. I only dropped it into some soft dirt from about 3 feet up...I would have thought it could survive something like that. :ohgeez:
All I can think is that if the spot/contamination didn't get in through the lens, it must have got in there from behind the reflector somehow, which is what made me think of the batts if they vented or leaked. If it's not that, I don't know. Maybe the manufacturer ought to have a look at it.
I have a 990, and the reflector appears to be vacuum-aluminized. Your light seems to be "high milage," and the UV component from HID lamps will degrade the reflector's coating over sufficient time. Could be normal "wear and tear," and I'm sure it's replaceable.

Is there something I can do to try and clean it without making it worse?

I'm talking to Acro right now about getting a replacement lens, but they want me to send the whole unit back for $75 + shipping...they'll probably be the same about the reflector. :ohgeez:
Vacuum-aluminized reflector coatings are very fragile! The only way I'll attempt to clean one is at the kitchen sink, where I squirt some dish washing soap on it and rinse with copious amounts of warm water. Never touch one, even with a Kleenex tissue! :shrug:


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