What LED to buy in Hong Kong and Japan?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 3, 2004
We have our wedding soon and will be going to HK and Japan for our honeymoon. Haven't been on the forum much lately due to wedding preps so please let me know whats new and hot in the LED world and available in HK/Japan?;)
The Newer LEDs are the Cree XR-E(P4-Q5 bin), Seoul P4, and Rebel 100 LEDs. They have double or more efficiency then the Luxeon I, III, V and K2 LEDs. I think some are available for sale there.

I'd say look out for the Fenix Cree(L1D-CE, L2D-CE, P1-CE, P1D-CE, P2D-CE and P3D-CE, all except the L1D and P1-CE have brighter Q5 versions) and Rebel lights(L1T V2.0, L2T V2.0, L2D-Rebel 100, P2D-Rebel 100 and P3D-Rebel 100).

Do you know where you're staying in Japan? I've gone to Tokyo many times over the years on business and use their AWESOME train system to explore the entire city. Their electronics district is called Akihabara, there is a train stop that drops you right into the thick of things. Lots of low-ceilinged little warehouse thingies crammed with booths of electronics dealers that carry everything from all-in-one clothes washer/dryers (made of plastic, like $250) to high-power RF transistors and, of course, porn CDs (censored).

If you go to Tokyo and not on a pre-set tour package I would highly suggest familiarizing yourself with their train system. It's easy to figure out and use, even for a gaijin like me haha...
Look out for Godzilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crackup:
If I had the opportunity I would be on the lookout for things we either can't get yet, or that seem like good quality but with unknown names! Sounds like fun......Enjoy the honeymoon!
Thanks guys, yep we're going to toyko, not sure where yet but will decide pretty soon. Never been before, so should be cool.

I'll put Akihabara on our list of things to do thanks... and being a bit of a petrol head I'm going to check out some tuner shops too!

Are electronics generally cheaper over there? Do they speak English? I'm looking for a new LED EDC with decent throw, regulation and rechargable batts. I have an Lumapower M1 but want something with a little more throw and wider beam really.

I know HK reasonably well so will probably check out the market places but just wanted to see whats hot at the moment to save me having to ask around really.
Look out for Godzilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crackup:
If I had the opportunity I would be on the lookout for things we either can't get yet, or that seem like good quality but with unknown names! Sounds like fun......Enjoy the honeymoon!

I heard from a friend that some people bring back mobile/cell phones from japan to use in the UK. But I thought the japanese use a different system to the one we have here :shrug:
As you know there are all sorts of torches in Hong Kong. Fenices and Ultrafires are very popular. Also most mobile phones made by the big names which accept a standard SIM card bought in Hong Kong will work in the UK. I do advise you to stick to the big names such as Nokia, Motorola etc. Buying in Hong Kong has the added benefit that most appliances come with a standard flat 3-pin plug same as the one in the UK. At the moment, the Sterling is really high. Your money will go a long way.

Have a nice honeymoon. Many congratulations.
I'll put Akihabara on our list of things to do thanks... and being a bit of a petrol head I'm going to check out some tuner shops too!

Are electronics generally cheaper over there? Do they speak English?

Ohhhh you gotta check out the Toyota museum then, it's AWESOME. They have a big conveyor-elevator thingy with their "legacy" cars on it. You push a button on a control panel and woosh! The car is brought to you, spun around so you can get a good look, and then it vanishes! And them Japanese kids don't just sit there and pound buttons like American kids would! Haha...

Most Japanese I've encountered don't speak English, but they do understand quite a bit of it. You might want to bring a laser pointer with you... most restaraunts have a display case with models of each menu item in it... laser pointer is handy to point out what you want to the waitress...

Sometimes in the train, Japanese people will approach me (the white guy) to practice their English... good fun...

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