What lights are in your emergency / bug out bag?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 19, 2008
Guess a lot of people on here keep an emergency or bug out bag based on some of the threads I've read.... what are your favourite emergency lights?
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Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

I keep a BOB in the car. I won't go through its contents as thats not for this forum.

The light I keep in this bag is a Fenix P2D with a red beam diffuser, and spare CR123A batts. The P2D and diffuser are in a standard mini mag holster. It is easy to pull out both or just the P2D.

On strobe, with the diffuser on, it makes a great signalling tool.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

Great Idea for a thread!!!

My BOB Lights vary, but the consistent lights in there are my Inova 24/7 w/ magentic and head mount w/ a PT Pilot mounted on the side, an SF 6P, G3L, TW4, C2 (w/ P-61, light saver tail cap, and red filter), my Coast 3x Nichia dive light, and my amber Glo-Toob FX. Oh, and the Insight M3 mounted on my S&W .40. I also keep an SC spares w/ a
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

I have a G&P Scorpion R500 and a blue Glo-Toob Flashcap in mine in the car.

Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

Inova X1 with a Lithium AA Battery.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

I don't have a BOB yet (... :() but when I put one together I'll most likely put the following lights/light related items into it:
- Fenix E01 - long running small AAA light
- Nitecore D10 - adjustable AA light
- Energizer lithium 4xAA + 4xAAA
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

My main BOB has an Inova 24/7, X1 and T3.

Edit to add: As well as a Brunton Glorb and Arc clone.
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Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

Right now a SF G2L with spare batteries, and a petzl emergency headlamp. Plus an L1 and E01 in my pockets.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

PT apex pro, 2 gerber IU's red and white, whatever is in my pocket when i grab the bag, and usually an L1 in reach on the way out. And the bag has a bunch of extra batts.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

Interesting topic - I don't have a BOB prepared - based upon most of my highest risk natural threats (hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms) as well as my current family situation (wife, two small kids 2 and 6, two large black labs living 11 miles outside the city center in a suburban upper middle class neighborhood) I'm focused on bugging in rather than out. Although I'm starting to reconsider this a bit and put together some BOBs for us to go to my inlaws house which is further south, more like 40 miles from the city center, which would be our destination if we leave our home for some reason - but either way I'm not likely going to head for the hills with the small kids and two dogs. Consequently, I have a different assortment of lights at home for emergency use than I'd put in a BOB.

But I do have a GHB (Get Home Bag) based upon the chance that I have to get to my house on foot - roads closed/blocked, car out of commission, etc.... I try to minimize these risks and have a lot of alternate routes home, keep my car in good condition, etc... but still. My GHB is lightweight and minimal, since based on distance etc... I calculate it will take me 3-4 hours to get home (it's 11.5 miles and I think I can average 3-4 mph with few stops, I do cardio work 5-6 times a week but don't plan on running) so I don't need a ton of light, mostly for signaling in case I get hurt, lighting my path after dark, and providing utility light for water/nutrition breaks. Smaller and lighter is better in my book.

So my GHB contains:

Peak Pacific - LuxIII HP - AA HA pocket body with Lithium AA. This gets me 12 hours of backup light as needed and is super light.

LL Bean 2 LED baseball cap. My current headlamp solution and it works pretty good, but will likely get replaced with a Rayovac sportsman extreme headlamp assuming I can get back to Walmart before they're all sold out. The Rayovac with a lithium also gets several lights standardized on AA cells.

In addition, I have my EDC lights with these days are an LF2 on my keyring (diffuser in my bag for signaling and utility use) and my Novatac 85P for just about everything else.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

No picture for now "broke my sister's camera and my parent's need's it's battery recharged" any way my small light weight army bag (11"X 8"X 4") contains everything I could think of that would make living more bearable "such as walking long distances or just living with out normal readily available necessities". Remember this BOB bag cost nothing everything in it was already on hand for some time I just had to get it together.
Also I know I listed things that are not flashlights well if you don't want to read about them don't!
Well here we go: 3xAA Minimag LED, 9 spare AA batteries, 3xAA Coleman LED 120 hour lantern, Dynamo / 2X AA FM / AM / weather broadcast radio, Sky Hawk 440 survival stainless knife, knife sharpener, Leather man clone multi tool, Gold bond "anti chafing powder", Tums, stainless multi utensil thing "got fork, spoon, knife", emergency space blanket, 8x long zip ties, tissue paper / napkins, versus bandages, Medical tape, Soap, sun block, pain relievers, collapsible cup, and enough zip lock in zip lock bags covering things in more zip lock bags that I'm quite sure every thing is more or less submergible without any chance of getting wet:eek:! Note: knife and Mag are not in zip locks.

Obviously I would already have my EDC stuff so include: Swiss champ, Task Force, Mag solitaire, 2x AAA Minimag, 4x spare AAA, watch, and sunglass.

And if I'm grabbing my BOB bag than I will most defiantly take my 30 Watt RayOvac in my aviator picture with a strap and spare battery / charger.
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Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

I've got a couple of bags, actually - none of them is really a "bug out bag" per se, but could serve the purpose. I EDC a Maxpedition Versipack that has basic stuff in it that I need for work, as well as my iPod, etc. In here, I also keep my single stage E2DL, spare magazines for my carry gun, an extra knife, and 4 CR123 cells. I also EDC my EX10 on my keychain, so I've got an option for lower light levels and extended battery life. In the car, I keep (well, used to, until I gave it to a good friend... gotta replace that soon) my Fenix P3D-CE, along with another 4 CR123 cells. This is in my tool bag. At home I have a medium sized pack that is basically a 72 hour kit, containing MREs, rations, water, survival/camping gear, etc. This is home to my A2 and a dozen batteries.

All three of these bags have these traits in common:
  • They contain at least a minimal tool kit (Leatherman, gloves, safety glasses)
  • They contain at least one cutting tool (knife, shears, scissors)
  • They contain at least one way to start a fire (Bic lighter, strike anywhere matches, magnesium/flint firestarter, etc.)
  • They contain at least one light source (flashlight, glowstick)
  • They contain a shelter element (space blanket, poncho, tent, trash bags)
  • They contain at least a minimal, if not comprehensive first aid/trauma kit
  • They contain at least 15 feet of 550 cord
  • They contain a minimal fishing kit
  • They contain at least 2 .5 liter bottles of water
The car kit also contains a bit of SAR gear, which will probably be expanded quite a bit once the county forms the new team. I also keep a fair amount of gear on my person, i.e. watch, knife, carry gun, lighter, keys with EX10, survival bracelet, radio/pager for rescue squad, and some other small stuff I'm sure that I am overlooking. This amounts to another "kit" that I would have with me even if I lost my EDC bag.

A lot of my choices to carry redundant sets of items stem from reading articles like this one. I've chosen what I carry based on where I go, what I do, and what I expect to have to do with what I've got. I definitely think that members of this forum share a common interest in preparedness and survival - that's one reason so many of us are also into knives, guns, camping, etc.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

My main BOB light is my SF G2Z with led drop in. Also keep the Spares carrier loaded with batteries and the incan drop in.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

I keep two fenix L2D in my bug out bag in the car.You can't beat them as they take good old AA batteries.Also spare lithiums as the runtime/shelf life is great with them.Used to have an HDS in there with them but couldn't stand it being in there all by itself:crackup:
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

In my GHB/BOB I have my E2dL(clipped to the outside), G2L, Coleman Exp. headlamp and Coleman 2XCR2. I also have spare 123's and cr2's. I remember reading a thread like this sometime back. I think Quickbeam made a point that it is important to make sure that the lights in your GHB/BOB share the same batteries just in case there is a light malfuction. Then the batteries can be used in your back-up light.
Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

Light: Fenix L2D-CE modified with a warm white cree + 8x Lithium AA + Gerber Infinity Ultra
Knife: Benchmade Rukus + Small DMT sharpener (Medium/Fine)
Fire: 2x off-the-shelf lighters + 1 pack of waterproof matches
Rope: 50ft of 550 paracord + 10x 18" zip ties
Warmth: 2x mylar blankets + 2x plastic ponchos + 2x contractor bags
Medical: 1x QuikClot Combat Gauze, 2x 3"x2yd gauze, 10x 4" gauze pads, 1x 2" surgical tape, 1x 1" surgical tape, 1x 1"x2ft rubber tourniquet, 2x #10 and 2x #11 scalpels + scalpel handle, 1x curved hemostat, 1x straight hemostat, 1x straight forceps, 1x curved forceps, 1x safety scissor, 1x surgical scissor, 4x sutures, 100 ml 100% ethanol.
ID: Copies of passport + driver's license + social security card
Food: 6x misc protein bars
Water: 2x 0.5L bottles
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Re: What's in your emergency / bug out bag?

I notice a lot of people have edc designed lights as their BOB lights. I don't think edc has the same needs as survival. For edc, I use my lights to find things/see things in the distance or navigate at night (throw=good). In a true survival situation, night would be the time for rest or doing close-up, easy work. For close up work, you would want a floody headlamp (hands free). Also, a flood light will be more easily visible for signaling with the wider distribution of light.

That said, in my BOB I have a AA Zebralight and a photon freedom with magnetic clip base. Two floody lights that can be clipped (or headlamped) for hands free use.

Of course, throw will be more useful for the situations you will probably encounter, i.e. not true survival situations. But that is what edc is for.

Since we are on the topic of Bug out bags, I want to remind everyone that the most important tool of all is the brain. :D Anything can happen to your tools and toys but you will always have your creativity and mad skillz to solve problems. A sharp brain beats a sharp knife.
I have a 72-hour BOB plus an INCH bag.

72-hour BOB.

1. EOS 2 Headlamp.
2. Fenix E01 however I want a LOD too for a brighter light.

The headlamp is key for a BOB as I may have to setup camp in the dark. Also my radio, headlamp and flashlight all use the same AAA batteries. This is important. Easy to get batteries are a must have so CR123 tend to be a no go.

INCH bag.

1. Fenix L2D Q5.
2. Apex headlamp
3. 2nd Gen Nightstar shakelight. The smaller one.

Like the 72-hour BOB the INCH bag uses the same battery type. In this case AA. The Fenix L2D Q5 runs a long time on low. The Apex can toss a great deal of hands free light. Hands free lights aka headlamps are key as I carry my home the Kifaru 4-man tipi on my back and the INCH bag is for longer term problems. So I can recharge the AA using my Silva foldup Solar recharger. I also have a GPS and radio using the AA. The shake light is kinda weak however once the batteries are used up and if the Solar charger fails I still have some kinda light to setup camp after dark.

For batteries I carry pre charged LSD, lithiums and even some standard Energizers.
main BOB:
- fenix TK10
- zebralight H50-P4
- pak-lite with a lithium 9V
- glo-toob lithium in white

mini BOB:
- Arc-AAA P DS
- Ra Twisty 100

day pack:
- Hoople
- zebralight H30-Q5
"Back Pack BOB" contians one AA LED maglite also a G2 Surefire with standard P60 lamp for now.:thumbsup:

Oh yea and an Inova Microlight!:candle:

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