AW brand and Panasonic are very popular. Personally, I am pretty happy with my free laptop pack cell pulls. They usually have a little higher IR than the expensive stuff, but it does not seem to matter much unless you have something that demands a lot of current. I am only getting 2000-2100mah @ 2.0A out of them, but for me that is OK. The price can't be beat, and I am recycling in the most efficient way I can imagine.:thumbsup:
I started with a DSD charger, but was causing my cells to get warm and charged a little above 4.2v, so I figured it probably was not working correctly. I now have a Turnigy accucel 8 and a Duratrax ice. They both work pretty well, but I find myself using the Turnigy more often for some reason. The accucel 6 also has a good reputation, and the China hobby king store has them on sale for $29.99. On a taller budget you could go up to Hyperion or something, but if you're looking mainly to charge individual cells, there isn't much need to get that fancy.
You really can't go wrong with AW or Panasonic, but if you have a little time and don't have a high end runtime requirement, look into the laptop packs cell recycling.