Changes to Federal Switchblade Act
AKTI NOTE: Exception (5) to Section 1244 below was passed (as part of a manager's amendment
resulting from acceptance of Amendment 1447) by a vote of the full Senate (84-6) on July 9. It is the
language provided by AKTI that was accepted unanimously by the 2009 Texas Legislature and signed into
law by Texas Governor Perry on June 18, 2009.
This agreement was reached in the Senate among the Appropriations committee, the Finance
Committee, the Commerce, Science and Transportation committee and with Customs and Border
Protection on July 8. Senators Cornyn, Pryor, Wyden, Crapo, Hatch, Vitter, Risch, Chambliss, Corker,
Enzi, Barrasso, Graham, Merkley, Thune, Bennett, Collins, Inhofe, Ben Nelson, Tester and Roberts co-
sponsored this amendment (1447). AKTI thanks them.
This new language [(5) below], as part of the Homeland Security Appropriations for FY 2010, it was
passed in the House, approved by Conference and signed by the President on October 28, 2009.
Attorneys who have reviewed this language on AKTI's behalf or on behalf of AKTI member companies
conclude that this new language protects the importation of one-hand openers and assisted-openers
because both belong to a broad class of knives with a bias toward closure. Under their own regulations, if
this amendment becomes law, Customs can no longer argue that importing such knives is contrary to the
law. U.S. Customs cannot ban products for which there is no statutory support.
Commodorewheeler, the above statement, specifically the last paragraph is what lead me to believe the law had changed. I understand even if US Customs is alright with their import, local laws probably still prevent carry of such knives. I appreciate your input. Frank