What present was your favorite this holiday season.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 18, 2005
What present, light or otherwise, did you really love this year for the holidays. All of mine were very much appreciated but this one stood out. A custom made, for me to my specifications from available options, that I won in a holiday contest. It was the first time I won anything, and it is really spectacular.

Its a tossup between a McG Sundrop, a Macbook, or A Caran d'Ache FP.

Truth be told I'm just happy to be back home with my family!

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It's a toss up between getting to see my new niece, or seeing my grandmother again. I guess the best would be getting to see them both at the same time, along with several other family members I don't get to see much anymore.

Materially, I'd have to say it's the Mosin Nagant M44 my wife got me. Lord, do I love that woman...:D:thumbsup:
I got some used Agatha Christie murder-mystery books, they're always fun to read. And some candy and other goodies to munch on while I read them :)