What resistor code is this?


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I have attempted to repair one of my Peak lights and have all but destroyed the head part.I am going to salvage what I can and I think these resistors may come in handy but I am not sure what these markings mean....It has 3 SMD resistors and each one is labeled 20R.I know if I add an R15 resistor to my ARC LS board it doubles the current to 667 mAh according to the resistor calculator. The calculator at the Shoppe does not have an entry for 20R and skips from R15 to R22. What will this 20R resistor do to my current if I add it and what is the value if anyone can tell me?...Thanks and where is MrAl when I need him..hehe
It's most likely 20 ohms. 'Adding it' to the ARC board should therefore give you a slightly smaller boost in current.

Doug Owen
Hi Robo,

Cant help but think the same as D.O., that it's probably
a much larger value resistor than the other ones.

20R usually means 20.0 ohms, while
R20 usually means 0.20 ohms.

Let us know how you make out with it.

Take care,
R = decimal point
Last number is the zero multiplier (unless R is before it? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif)
And any other numbers are the first part of the value.

202, would mean 20, with 2 zeros == 2000ohms
654, 65, with 4 zeros == 650kohms
22R2, would be 22, point 2 == 22.2ohms (not 100% on this)

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
After a bit more thought, the obvious crops up....*measure* the value?

Doug Owen

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