What switch is this??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
Does anyone know what type of switch this is? Press the top in & it clicks.

on/off? So far it only seems to work when I hold it down.

What current could it take?

diameter is about 3.5cm

It looks reasonably similar to a high current momentary button I used to have for operating a set of musical air horns, rubber cover and all. I think it was rated for 20 amps but it didn't work by a clicking movement - it had an insulating board that held the contacts apart, and when the button was pushed a rivet through the insulating board moved down to make a connection across the contacts. With the same sort of terminals, you don't have a light duty switch, even if the switching action is different.
thanks TorchBoy :)

yep thats the one, I forgotten where I got it, now I remember. Yea it was Narva brand.

So its good for 192w.:whistle: I use it to power 130w, i like the idea of having 1 incan light with a switch you have to hold, + makes no sound at all.:nana: