Well, I don't really have anything that takes AAA cells (except my bike tail light, but it gets such runtime that NiMH would self discharge first), and I got a couple (4) laying around doing nothing...
I'm thinking about cobbling together some type of multi-LED either clip-on light or headlamp, not sure which. Got 10 red and 10 yellow leds coming, so I'm thinkin about maybe two colors or something.
Of course, I'm not limitin myself to a lightin project, but nothing else is really jumpin out at me. Anybody have any cool ideas for a 2 or 4 AAA project? Nothin fancy, just somethin to use the cells and maybe (if I'm lucky) have a little fun.
I'm thinking about cobbling together some type of multi-LED either clip-on light or headlamp, not sure which. Got 10 red and 10 yellow leds coming, so I'm thinkin about maybe two colors or something.
Of course, I'm not limitin myself to a lightin project, but nothing else is really jumpin out at me. Anybody have any cool ideas for a 2 or 4 AAA project? Nothin fancy, just somethin to use the cells and maybe (if I'm lucky) have a little fun.