What to do with four AAA NiMH cells...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
Well, I don't really have anything that takes AAA cells (except my bike tail light, but it gets such runtime that NiMH would self discharge first), and I got a couple (4) laying around doing nothing...

I'm thinking about cobbling together some type of multi-LED either clip-on light or headlamp, not sure which. Got 10 red and 10 yellow leds coming, so I'm thinkin about maybe two colors or something.

Of course, I'm not limitin myself to a lightin project, but nothing else is really jumpin out at me. Anybody have any cool ideas for a 2 or 4 AAA project? Nothin fancy, just somethin to use the cells and maybe (if I'm lucky) have a little fun.
I'm getting more fond of AAA over AA since despite slightly lower energy density it makes for smaller gadgets than AA.

I have about ten different AAA lights including a Fenix L0P that I use all the time and I recharge its nimh cell every few weeks. I also have an AAA powered mp3 player that I use at work (runs about 10 hours on a charge, so recharge every couple weeks) and an AAA powered noise cancellation headphone with the mp3 player (similar recharge frequency). Also have a Garmin Geko 2aaa GPS, infrequently used, I guess I should put eneloops in it.

I have a little powered speaker that runs on 4aaa but generally I think 4 aaa's is too many, it's better to design such things to use two aa's.
My ancient sony PDA runs on AAA's.

Just bought my mother a new cordless phone from Panasonic (KX-TG1033S) that uses 2 "standard" AAA NiMH batteries. Big improvement over the 3xAA battery pack the old Sony used. It's the new frequency DECT 6.0 model.
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also got 6x new AAA nmh that never gets used. only reason I got em with they come with other AA nmh cells.

all my AAA application use AAA alk.
I kinda had the same situation. I had several AAA Rayovac Hybrids and did not know what to do with them. The TV remote control went dead the other day so i stuck 4 AAAs in it. I am sure even the LSD cells will self discharge before the remote uses them up, but at least they are being used. I will try to take them out every year or so and do a refresh on the c-9000.
You could make a real tiny ROP :whistle:


Sounds amusing... any idea what the heck I could host it in and any another pertanent details?

Hmm, What about a 4xAAA cell phone booster? I could go either series or parallel, don't know which would be better in this application... Actually don't know much about cell phone boosters in general, just that the enerizer one supposedly doesnt work *that* well with NiMH due to the lower voltage compared with L91's.
Sounds amusing... any idea what the heck I could host it in and any another pertanent details?

I took one of those old metal 2xC lights, stuck in two of those 3xAAA series battery carriers, some old Duracell Accu cells, and a MagLite 5cell PR bulb. It's a nifty little light whose brightness surprises the unsuspecting. It's a classic styled sleeper.