What would you do if you were banned for a week.


Mar 24, 2008
North of Indy, Indiana
So lately I've seen a lot of people put in "timeout" for a week, and rightly so.

But here is my question, if for some reason you were banned for a week, what would you do?
This is one of my favorite places to come. I don't know what I would do if I had to take a week off.
It would be like sitting on the edge at recess where you can watch the other kids play tag, but you can't join them....:mecry:
Gotta be on my best behavior:twothumbs
I'm not too sure how this thread will fare. It would seem more fitting in the Underground. It may or may not reach acceptable levels, and it may or may not lend itself to the same interpretation by those of us responsible for monitoring.

The thing to keep in mind is that a banning only applies to one's ability to post, send PMs, alter their profile and such. One always has the ability to continue reading and following along with the posts. If one finds themselves unable to do so, they need to remove the active cookie, and view it as a guest.

Our hope is to permit as much availability as possible to everyone; even those with limited posting privileges.
That will never happen to me because I know how to play nice and I respect other people on this forum. I love CPF and the CPF community. Now if CPF were to ever go off-line or not exist anymore I would :mecry:like a baby.

not sure what this thread is supposed to intend for...I don't see a real purpose other than possibly challenging rule 6 and adds to the wear and tear of forum relations to everyone that chose to comment on it. :ironic:

I agree on Empath on the underground part...but since I'm not a mod I cannot take part in that decision:ohgeez:

A ban is a forced removal of an individual or entity from the forum due to an offense, mods around here are pretty tolerant of misdemeanors but there are some offenses that yields no tolerances. What users do while they are banned is like any other day that individual has, just missing the CPF posting part. IIRC if the nature of the ban is an IP ban you can still view the forum, you just can't log on. :grin2:

Now, the good part is that CPF, CPFGreen, CPFM, and UG are on separate parts of the server and that being banned from one forum does not constitute as a ban on all of them. So my answer would be that if user_A was banned from CPF, he/she most likely will be
1: lurking in CPF
2: shopping on CPFM
3: log on to CPF chat and voicing that he/she got banned and starting a discussion on it.

but either way its irrelevant, just a case example.
I am always on this site between checking the B/S/T and regular forums. Would be a really poopy week. I hate when CPF goes under maintenance for just a few hours... imagine a few days!
The more interesting question is what would you do is CPF was down for a week. As empath said, someone who is banned can still read threads.
[edited]Actually there would not be a lot I could do about it,just sit it out and be careful in the future as to my posting etiquette.:twothumbs
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not sure what this thread is supposed to intend for...I don't see a real purpose other than possibly challenging rule 6 and adds to the wear and tear of forum relations to everyone that chose to comment on it. :ironic:
I wasn't trying to challenge any rules, and i think the mods are doing a fine job.:thumbsup:

I also wasn't proposing that I would ever do anything to get banned.:thumbsdow

I just sat there wondering to myself, If for some freak reason I had to take a break for a week, it would be pure torture.

I almost think it would be worse than if CPF was down for a week. Thats why I said:
It would be like sitting on the edge at recess where you can watch the other kids play tag, but you can't join them....:mecry:

Think of it all of your insightful conversation, great flashlights for sale, ect..... but you have to sit back because you were bad,LOL:twak:

Empath, if you you feel this would be better of in the undergound fell free to move it.....
I can't answer the part about being banned, but I recently spent a few weeks off line.

First, a wind storm hit that knocked out power for a week. When the power was first restored, for a while it was off and on with sudden outages and brownouts. At some point (and I don't when) the power supply for my computer was fried. So, in total, I was offline for about 3 weeks.

The first week, when everyone was without power, was rather interesting.
I played with flashlights to my hearts content, cooked over a camp stove and generally enjoyed the experience of camping at home. Several evenings, I walked to the then candle lit neighborhood pub to be entertained by the bartender struggling to mix drinks while holding an incan Mag 2D under her arm. Also, this first week provided a great opportunity to meet, bond with and assist my totally light less neighbors.

The second and third weeks, with the power back on and a fried computer, made me realize how dependent I had become on the web for my entertainment. Since the first forty some years of my life were spent in the pre-web era, I quickly reverted to my old ways and realized that I missed them. I spent my evenings cleaning house, reading, cooking more elaborate meals and socializing. I missed the web the most in the mornings over coffee, so subscribed to home delivery of the morning paper to ease my AM addiction.

All things considered, my recent experiences increased my nostalgia for the "good old days" and the simple joys of simplicity.
Hmm...I would buy a new light so I felt better :crackup: Ok...guess I would have to clean my room...Do all the things normal folks do...like in if I had a real life :D
Probably give some daily thought as to why I was banned and how I need to change the way I behave in the community.
I'd get real mean and nasty.....Oh wait I couldn't, I would be banned. :nana::shakehead


I was without power for 4 days does that count?
Most flashaholics when not reading here..... play with their lights!
Hang out at CPFM, the Scrap Yard Knives forum, USN, BladeForums, or the Benelli forums. Plenty of other places where great chat exists :) .