What's a Good Light/Life 9003 Bulb?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 22, 2009
Central Florida
Newbie here, I'm enjoying all the info. I've gained thru searching this site. I've got Cibie 7" E-Code headlamps w/relays & was using Osram 70/65w bulbs. They went out pretty quick & I'd like to find a good bulb that will give me longer life, but has better than stock lighting. Based on your experiences whats the best choice?
You have to pick: longer-than-standard life or brighter-than-standard output. You can't have both. If the output is enough higher than standard to be worthwhile, the lifespan will be enough shorter than standard to be noticeable. If the lifespan is enough longer than normal to be worthwhile, the light output will be enough poorer than standard to be noticeable. So you really have to pick where your priorities lie. In the (North) American market, people's preferences are heavily skewed towards demanding ultra-long bulb life and not caring about light output. In Europe, it's the other way around.

The Osram 70/65w is my favorite H4 in many day-to-day applications; it's a really good bulb. I would probably buy another couple of pairs of those (or however many you can buy for one shipping money) and change them as necessary.
Thanks, I thought as much but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Changing bulbs in my headlamps is a pain but like you said, I've got to choose. :thinking:
You didn't say whether you have heavy wiring, relays and a big charging system. If so, you can shop for high powered bulbs (and accept the expected shorter life). Otherwise, you might try the Philips X-treme Power H4 bulbs. I hear good things about them. You aren't likely to find them for less than 20 bucks per bulb.